Chapter 3: She is a trouble.

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I was suspicious of her from the moment she was looking outside the window, biting her lips, and shaking her legs as if she were making a plan to escape from me.

But when I heard her whisper "Let's try it."

Everything went clear to me. And a smirk automatically appeared on my lips.

The miss is going to be trouble in our Mafia family.

I glanced at the mirror view, signalling Carlo to hand me the chloroform and he instantly did that.

After putting the chloroform on a handkerchief, I called for her, and she immediately turned back to me.

I took the handkerchief to her nose, not forcing too much to hurt her in any way.

The last words she said before falling asleep on my chest were, "I hate you."

We all heard it. While Rome and Carlo chuckled loudly, I kept mine hidden. There is nothing new for me to hear the world hating me, but for the first time, it felt like a compliment to me only from her mouth.

"She said she hates you. But it was kinda cute." Carlo chuckled with a beaming face.

"What was cute about it?" I asked, narrowing my eyes on him while breathing out heavily because she was leaning on my chest as I was holding her from falling aside.

"I am sorry. I should have said... she is kinda cute."

"He is right. I also agree that the little miss is cute and innocent." Rome said.

"Are you serious right now? How did you find her innocent? Didn't you see she was about to run away?" I asked by showing what happened to you guys... expression.

Instead of giving me a proper response they both started giggling and swinging back and forth on their seat.

"Enzo... I know why are you upset. Because she is sweet to us but not you and it is also your fault that you are being rude to her from the start."

"I am not upset, okay? Don't open your mouth if you only have something irrelevant to say. And Rome will you drive fast?"

"Why so hurry?"

"Because she was just about to escape from us, and she is still half conscious. I can't let that happen."

"Okay! Got it."

I took a glance at her and something came to my mind that it could be possible that she understood Italian. And if so, then I can't just discuss my work in front of her. But first, I have to make it clear whether she understands the language or not.

"Don't speak in Italian until I get clear that she doesn't understand the language."

I quickly told them.

"Yeah... Okay." Rome said understandingly.

Carlo looked up thoughtfully, more like making an assumption.

"What is it, Carlo?" I asked him curiously as I thought it must be about work.

He instantly turned to me with a grin as if he was waiting for that one question to be asked.

"I have a feeling that she is going to change you." Carlo faced me excitedly and then glanced at her with a beaming face.

Now, why are they beaming so much today?

"It will never happen."

We arrived at my mansion. My empire.

"Who will carry the little miss?" Rome asked with a confused face before getting out of the car.

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