Chapter 34: Dangerous.

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To say that I don't know where Alora is will be a lie. Because I know exactly where she is.

She is on a mission.

She has gone to invite her enemy to a death game. However, sending her alone was stressing me out so I had cleared her path before she reached her destination.

Obviously without her knowing about it. Or else do you think she would have let me do that?

Anyway, as soon as Tim's call came and he informed me that Alora is going to take her first step towards her revenge plan today, I sent my men to clean all the goons of Domenico from her way, and that's what they did.

I also ordered my men to stay there, hiding from her sight, in case she needs any help with completing her work but I forgot she is alone enough.

And Domenico won't hurt her because I had made it clear to him that if she gets hurt in any way, he will soon find himself digging his grave.

Though he had already dug his grave a while ago doing the most mistakeable thing.

Just now my men updated that she managed to burn Domenico's go-down and also sent me a few pictures of the fascinating scene.

A proud smile formed on my lips by seeing the fire and the smoke.


She planned it, she did it.

She went there with Tim but as she is very stubborn, she didn't let Tim go inside with her.

Instead Alora chose to go all alone.

Tim messaged me that they are on their way back to the mansion. She is coming back.

I stood on the entrance door and like a creep- watched her walking slowly, hands folded up to her chest, eyes narrowed, as if thinking about something.

Or might be planning her next move. No one actually knows what's going on in her mind.

However, I am an exception.

Her steps are getting slower- it almost looks like a slow-mo scene of a girl coming back home from doing the most beautiful thing... playing right before my eyes.

Looking like a gangster full of smartness.

My favourite.

As soon as she came closer, I hid myself while holding my gun.

Alora entered the mansion and after a second she slowed her steps... which means she probably sensed me behind her. How clever of her.

As she slowly turned her head in my direction for searching, I grabbed her by the arm and carefully pushed her to the wall beside us and grabbed her waist while pointing my gun at her.

Alora didn't even release a sound or stiffened... while I was thinking she might start screaming. But nothing came from her lips.

What a dangerous creature this girl is. No wonder she didn't fear me the first time I insisted on keeping her in my cage.

There was no reaction on her face. She stayed silent for a brief moment and then I realised- no, I felt something metallic was in contact with my stomach.

Very slowly I shifted my eyes down to the spot only to find out that she was pointing her gun at me, without pulling the trigger.

A small chuckle released my lips.

It amused me by knowing how much I taunted her before for not being able to stand for herself.

The reality is that she knows everything. She holds so much power in herself.

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