Chapter 32: Jealous Dinosaur.

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Why do I have this feeling that something is off or someone is quite- too quiet... around me?

Did I do something wrong?

Because for the past two days, someone has not been talking to me at all. The one's silence I can't tolerate for more than three minutes, hasn't been talking to me for two days.

This is making me crazy.

The only thing I did wrong- still regretting and blaming myself for being an idiot- was saying Alora's name when Max tricked me with that question and I answered it without even realising.

How foolish I have been these days. And then I told them about an imaginary girl named Laura with whom I went on a date and just came back right now.

Like always, everyone is found together sitting in the living room where they made their chatting place. The same blabbering and laughing, making jokes on each other, clicking pictures of one another whenever finding a moment to capture their funny scenes.

But the crazy girl is studying between these noises. Why doesn't she study in her room with a peaceful and calm atmosphere?

How could she even focus on her study materials while her surroundings are full of grown up monkeys screaming their lungs out!

As soon as I met them, they jumped on and asked me that one question which I expected them to ask. "So, how is Laura?"

Now who is gonna tell them that there is no such person as Laura and that I am coming back from finishing some work.

But I don't tell them that because sometimes it's necessary to make an imaginary girl to keep your friends in line. And to get to know your girl's reaction to that.

Keeping a serious but amused face and soft tone, I replied, "Fine." And then I heard a loud silence but in that a loud noise of a book closing very cruelly.

Tsk... tsk. Poor book.

The reaction wasn't that surprising for me. What surprised me the most is the silence of my friends.

I didn't expect- at all- that my friends would leave me with only one question. But they did, for real.

Listening to my reply the very next moment they went back to whatever they were doing and gave no care to me. Or to my presence.

That's strange.

I had already prepared for a question answer session with them about the topic of 'date' if they ask me any which I knew they definitely would... but it seems that isn't necessary.

"So... what's up?" Maybe I said it in a creepy way that's why she glared at me, showing me a side eye and wrinkled her nose.

I think I have to work on my way of saying 'what's up' to her. Because honestly the reaction I got from her... I don't want that ever again.

Now the question is what to ask further when someone doesn't reply to your what's up? I have no idea right now. Perhaps I should smile this time.

Smile bright, Enzo.

I straightened with a grinning smile, "You must be excited-" As I was going to ask her if she was excited for the party, she started packing her books in her backpack.

When I was just about to tap on her shoulder to stop her, "Alora-" I called her but she ignored me and hurriedly got up.

My hand remained in the air pointed in her direction while she was going away. Even my hand remained shocked in the air.

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