Chapter 2: I hate you.

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They are taking me to their Mafia place. I am now sitting in their car. It's a big one. I don't even want to appreciate its features and all because of my raising anxiety.

The two men from before who came with the boss, one is driving and the other one is seated in the passenger seat.

The boss and I sat in the back seat. Of course, I have to sit with him.

Suddenly my inner thoughts popped up and gave me a negative idea on escape from them.

"What's your name, little miss?" The one who was driving asked me breaking the awkward silence while looking at me through the mirror view.

"She is more than just a little." The boss chuckled humourless as he shook his head and looked down at his phone.

I didn't respond to his unnecessary trick of insulting me.

But then he opened his mouth again. " She can't speak."

What is his problem? He was making me angry so I decided to answer.

"Alora- Alora Gray."

"You mean the dreamer?" The boss said in a deep voice as he turned to look at me.


"The meaning of your name. My dream or the dreamer." He looked into my eyes.

"My dream-mmm..... " Those two boys repeated at the same time.

The boss glared at them and tilted his head a little which was enough to make them shut. I think it was a warning code to tell them to be quiet. But how would he know the meaning? I didn't ask him.

"Yeah. That's right." I ignored his irritation towards those boys and replied.

"Hm..." He hummed to my reply.

Why is he making me so nervous whether it is anxiety or....... I don't know.

"Ahhh-ah..." The two men again repeated like a song.

"You two shut up." The boss gave them a dead look which only made them laugh more. He completely ignored their reactions and turned to ask me again "How old are you?"

"I am only 18," I replied while thinking why would he have to know my age?

After a few minutes of silence, I thought to ask them about their names.

"What is your name?" I asked all of them but only looked at the boss.

The man seated in the passenger seat replied first "I am Carlo and he is Rome."

"Hii little one." Rome waved at me.

I waved back with a nervous smile. Even if they look nice and normal and their behaviour is also fine, that doesn't change the fact that they stand as illegal professionals.

Now I was waiting for the boss to say his name. I remember Uncle William called him...

"It's Enzo!" He startled me.

"Sorry?" I was truly confused about how he got to know I was about to ask for his name.

"My name is Enzo. If you are desperate to know my name, you should have just asked."

"You are so full of yourself. I only asked them."

It made me so embarrassed that to cover myself, I lied.

He glared at me with his deadly look while Carlo and Rome started giggling in front of us. I raised an eyebrow at the boss while glaring back at him.

"Just wait and watch until we reach there, then after you will get to know how full I am." He smirked dangerously.

I am not afraid of his little threats. He can't do anything to me.

"Okay then, I will watch but before the show begins prepare some snacks and a cushion for me, please. I can't sit straight for a long time."

Yeah. I joked about his threats. It was his fault as he started it and I am just playing along.

Fine. My inner thoughts win and convinced me to escape away from him.

I was looking out of the window to make sure where I should stop their car and escape.

Okay, my plan is simple.

First, I will stop them by lying about having some things to buy from the store. Then I will ask them to let me go alone to the store as I will buy girls' products. And then I will wait for a chance to make sure they are not looking in my direction. If they don't glance at me, I will immediately run away from their sight.

Yes, I know it sounds stupid but I should try.

"Okay, let's try it." I said to myself but I think it came out loud. After a moment when I got prepared to work on my plan.....

"Miss." The boss called me from behind.

As I turned to face him, suddenly his hand with a handkerchief came to my nose. I was confused by what he was doing. It was making me dizzy.

Oh God! The realisation hit me and I widened my eyes at him but didn't get any chance to protest.

"Take a little nap." He winked at me.

There was only a little time remaining before I went to sleep.

Sleepiness filled in my eyes and when I was just about to bump my head on the window, a strong hand touched my arm.

He grabbed me by my arm and pulled me towards him. It was so fast that my head bumped into his chest and my hands landed around his neck.

"You- I hate you."

The last sentence I whispered to him before everything went black.

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Hello lovely readers.

I hope you all are doing well.

I hope you guys liked it. Please give it a chance and I promise you won't regret it.

Ok then, see you in the next chapter.

Bye-bye 👋.

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