Chapter 8: He cares about me?

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The monster called for us five and ordered the four knights to teach me some basics and train me.

Well, I didn't object to him first as it's good to learn. But now he is being a villain.

"What did you say?" I asked narrowing my eyes on that monster.

"One should always keep their eyes and ears open while the boss is speaking." He mimicked my early words.

This man... why is he like this? Those were the words which I told him earlier while he was going to reply to me and I put a piece of bread in his mouth.

"Fine. Say it again."

"First, apologize for not being focused on the task I am explaining." He stated boringly.

"What you gave me is not a task, it's like a punishment for I don't know what I did wrong." I said as I took a step forward to him.

That monster just ordered me to run this whole ground five times. The ground is like a stadium or more huge than that without seats and boundaries.

"Alora! Don't argue with me and do what I said. It's for your own good." He gave a deadly look.

"Ohh... for my own good? I am so glad that you care for me and want to kill me by planning to take out air from my lungs." I started saying that sarcastically with a calm voice and ended by yelling at him.

"You are not going to die by just five rounds of run." He said as if I was irritating him while he was the one getting on my nerves.

"I am sorry." I apologize because there is no point to argue with him.



"Should I start now? I have to complete running this whole ground five times."

"Carlo and Rome will watch over you, so don't think about cheating. I will get to know if you try to fool me because my eyes are everywhere." He showed by pointing his two fingers from his eyes to mine like 'I will watch you all the time'.

Instead of replying to his warning signs, I turned to face Carlo to get started.

"Wait!" The monster stopped me from behind.

"Yes Mr. Bossy monster, did you forget something else to punish me with?" I turned to him and asked with sarcasm. He is so annoying.

He rolled his eyes at me, turned his face and huffed a little then turned back to me and said -

"Change to something else before you start. These clothes are not perfect for training."

A humourless laugh left my mouth with more irritation.

"Oh! Is this what you call training? Are you training me? My bad. But I think this is torture."

He sighed as he started rubbing his forehead.

"Just go and change to something else."

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