Chapter 12: I am accepting the task.

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"Princess... when you grow up, be like your mother," Dad said as he helped me to make the paper aeroplane so that we could fly it together on our terrace.

"But how can I be like mom? I am Alora, ain't I?" I said making a confused face, looking up at my dad as he laughed at me.

"Yes... You're Alora. I mean you don't have to look like your mother, you have to be a kind person like her." Dad said while patting my head.

"Dad... how do you become this kind person?" I asked him while focusing on my paper planes to make it nice.

Dad showed me a warm smile and caressed my head as he said, "That's a good question. Look, when someone makes a mistake don't get angry with them quickly, don't scold them, don't say anything wrong to them, and when they come back to say sorry,  just give them a nice smile and say I have forgiven you."

I made a confused face and asked, "But what if they don't let me play and hush me away? I will do the same to them."

Dad shook his head and approached me, "No, no princess. If they bother you and you do the same things with them, then what will be the difference between you and them? But if they bully you, then there is another way to punish them."

I nodded my head in agreement.

"So what should I do?" I asked. "What if they bully my friends or mom and you?"

"In that case, you should be like Daddy..." He chuckled at me and continued,"...if anyone hurts you or your loved ones, FIGHT. Do whatever you think is right to protect your loved ones, to protect yourself."

The word 'fight' caught my attention and I started to make assumptions about what that could be.

"Dad... can I not just hit them in the first place?" I asked, giggling at the thought of punching or kicking someone.

But what is this fight exactly?

"Hm... your mom says to give people a second chance but you should not give a second chance to a bad person."

"But Dad, how would I know who is good and who is bad?"

"You can know that by their actions."

"Oh okay!" I said as I pouted my lips.

"So, after giving them a second chance, if they change after that, then make them your friends. But if they don't, learn to stand on your own and fight for yourself."

I started jumping by the word fight as I came to the thought that it was some kind of an interesting game.

"Fight with whom?" I asked cheerfully. "Will you play that game with me, Dad?"

Dad chuckled and pinched my cheeks, "I will teach you how to play when you are of the right age."

I pout as he starts walking away with my planes."But I am already 6 years old."

Dad didn't give any reply, instead, he turned back to me, "Come princess, let's fly these planes." Dad called for me as he gestured towards the sky. I ran towards him happily, forgetting about that game.

"Go hug the sky... Yay." I giggled as Dad flew a plane high.

We both started giggling and viewed the setting sun in the sky.

A sweet memory of our conversation about being grown up and being kind, all flashed around my eyes. The gentle caress of my Dad and his answers to my stupid questions were much better than the world's fake care.

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