Chapter 26: My purpose.

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I have been trying so hard to survive by keeping all my pain locked inside me.

And I pretend that I am fine.

But the truth is I am not. Not at all.

When Mom appears in front of my eyes, I make her believe that I am living my life happily while I am just surviving it.

Because I don't want her to worry about me so I pretend that I am lucky to have a life.

But as a mom is a mom, no matter how much you lie, she will still find out how much I cry in the dark so that the world doesn't see my tears.

My parents never left me. Even though they are not in this world anymore, that doesn't stop them from appearing before my eyes.

The world calls it hallucinations but I call it my superpower to see my parents again and again.

Who cares about the world when they don't even know what is in your heart? When they have no idea how much you suffer in pain and suffocate in grief.

Sometimes I even question myself about my identity.

Who is Alora Gray?

That's a simple yet tricky question.

She is no one but a plot.

What is my purpose in life? I am alive till now only for revenge.

Did something happen in my life? My life turned into ashes in a blink and my life became miserable.

Did I go through a bad time? I went through a horrible phase of my life.

What's the reason behind my pain? Losing my loved ones.

What is the story? This is NOT a story.

Seeing your parents dying in front of your eyes will never be just a story. I lost them in real life so don't ever dare to call it a story.

If anything then call it my story because this is my story. Because I don't feel like a normal human being anymore. I feel like I am just a side character in someone else's life.

Who is only surviving.

But I can write my own story, right? In which I will be the main character and also the dangerous one.

This is my story, which already began and now it's time to turn the page.

The page of REVENGE.

Once there was a small lovely family of three. A great father, a sweet mother and a lucky girl who has them both to love her all the time. Although there were only three, they were everything they ever wished for.

Family is a blessing that everyone is not fortunate to have. I had a family, my family, but my faith didn't let me stay with them for a long time.

Once you leave home, you can come back home again. But that child; when she left home, never found her home again.

The only things she found were ashes.

To this date, I ask myself why I have to go on that trip. If only I had not insisted on going that day and stayed home, then maybe, I would have saved them.

Why did I become so stubborn? Just why?

No wonder people call me stubborn and I shouldn't be angry when they call me that because I really am a stubborn girl. Only because of my stubbornness, my two hearts were taken away from me.

It was all my fault. But I wasn't the criminal.

The real criminal is out today, walking around with freedom and hands filled with the blood of people.

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