Chapter 18: Precious princess.

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This girl always does exactly what she is told not to do. Yesterday when I was teaching her how to fight, I told her to first defend herself from the attack and then punch. But she punched me first, that too directly on my face and ran away from me.

When I ran after her to catch her, Max and everyone else were in front, he had a glass of water in his hand. Alora took that glass from him and as soon as I was walking fast, she spilled the water on the floor. And then what was to happen, I slipped and fell straight on my back. But I felt betrayed the most when those idiots instead of helping me, started laughing loudly. Alora took advantage of that moment and ran straight to her room.

Today after dealing with some other business, I went to my study and completed the unfinished work. That night when I and Alora were in the kitchen and I got a call, it was Domenico. And my mistake was that I didn't pick it up.

Because the previous day, when Carlo and I went to give all the updates on our work to my father and had a small talk with my mom. While my father only asked me about my assignments, not caring about a girl living with us. Maybe he understands that I can make the right decisions properly. But in the case of my mom, she was babbling about Alora. The more I stayed there, she was firing every question about her.

When I told her everything about Alora, how annoyed me, how she irritates me, never listens to my orders and always does the opposite, I don't know why but my mom started laughing out loud. When I asked her what was so funny in this as I was complaining about Alora and not making any jokes. She told me that it is funny because we both are sweet. So my only reply to her was silence.

While coming back, we spotted his goons following us in just one car.

When we were returning to our mansion, they started shooting from behind and as we always take our guns everywhere, we survived by shooting at their car tire which caused them to crash. After that, we went to a medical store and bought medicines for Alora.

I started investigating that stranger with the help of Feleti. He came this morning and I asked him to give me every single piece of information about that stranger. He said he will search for his real identity and get to know his intentions in helping us.

So, putting that matter aside, we called for our arms dealers with whom we deal. The thing is we always restock our weapons twice a month as we had to use them in situations.

Two men came with a few bags,
Rome took them to the meeting room. All of us are present when we have to deal with these things. They showed us shotguns, rifles, revolvers, machine guns, pistols and bombs. I ordered my man to put it in our weapons store room as it is a safe place to keep that hidden.

The whole day went with these works, and doing calculations of money raided, possible threats from enemies, black money, etc.

It's now dinner time and everyone came inside the dining room. I spotted her first. The only person my eyes took me to. After the dinner, as we were all going to head to our rooms, Rome asked to spend some bro time, especially with me and to let Alora join too.

We all headed to the living room while Alora said she has to change to her pajamas, so she went upstairs to her room. A few minutes later, I saw her coming over while jumping like a bunny. She is seeming excited, but I don't know for what reason. First of all, I don't get what it is with her as she always jumps?

She settled on the sofa beside Carlo and took a cushion from the side and put it on her lap to lean in. The conversation started with some individual topics but then it goes to the question of who is her real best friend and all that.

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