Chapter 10: She broke a rule.

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Domenico has tried to be very clever by getting his hands on our things. We don't want to make any move on his ploy right now. First, we will take our goods back to him, then I'll show him what it's like to be enmity with Enzo Ferrante.

In that case, I have set up a meeting now to take steps. For this work, we will not need that much of other men, that is why I have called only my friends.

Alora had requested to join our meeting, she said she might be of some use in our mission.

I refused her because she was still not prepared properly. Even if she was ready, I would not allow her in this, because no mission is without risk.

"Let's hear the plan one more time."

"How will we understand where he has kept the goods?"

"It may be possible that he would have kept all the goods at an underground place like he keeps those girls."

"Then we have to do something about his system first."

"I will look into Domenico's security systems but there is a problem..." Galen said first while leaning forward.

"What is that?" Rome asked.

"Once you gain access to the system using various password cracking methods, you have to maintain access in the system. If he had already abstained from using the same password or updated it, then we have to target the servers of his security company."

"Then do it..." Max replied to him.

"No, no, no. You don't understand. The server he used... I can not hack all of it. You may face some problems in coming out."

"Galen...Don't worry about that. Even if they find out that we hacked into their system, they won't be able to do anything." I replied confidently.

"Okay then!" Galen released a huff.

"Carlo, Rome and I will go there, we will have to let at least three more men come with us. They will wait for us to come back in the truck."

"And what about those girls? We must save them this time also." Max insisted on saving them even though we will.

"We will come back only after rescuing them," Carlo said with upset eyes.

"We will save them."

They all nodded and sighed full of worries and stress. We ended our meeting there and all four of them went back to their room to get some sleep before going for the mission.

We have kept this mission before dawn because that time is the best to enter someone's place even if you are not a thief.

The world thinks that we are the worst. They think we only get money by doing such dirty work.

They think that we have become powerful only by killing innocent people and destroying families. While we try to save those innocents and give the fruits of the bad deeds to those bastards.


"Ahh! The feeling that comes after defeating your enemy is something else." Carlo jumped up and sat on the couch.

We accomplished the mission that too without any risk. After rescuing all those girls from there, we have made arrangements to send them to their homes.

"We should celebrate. What do you say?" Rome is always looking for a chance to party.

"There will be no party." I flatly refused.

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