Chapter 1: I will survive.

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Am I so hard to love?

The life I never wanted but still living like a happy soul.

They are staring at me like I am a burden in their chest. It makes me wanna die and go away from this world but for some reason, I chose to survive.

I got slapped. The pain on my cheek made me touch the part with my palm.

My heart goes numb while tears start to fall from my eyes making their way to my cheeks including that part of the pain.

My aunt Linda stared at me with angry eyes, though I am used to it, and yelled "Didn't I order you not to come downstairs?"

I kept my gaze down. They always beat me when I do something which they order me not to do. But it was Betty who told me that Uncle called for me.

"Can't you hear me? I asked you something, Alora!" She shouted.

"Mom, I think she did that intentionally. You know, she is always jealous of me." Betty tried to give me another slap from her mom. Her smirk is getting bigger and then it becomes a grin.

My parents died when I was 14 and I had to choose to live with my Uncle and Aunt, and their precious daughter, Betty.

As my uncle is the only brother of my father, he had to take responsibility to raise me. I was told that they will love me as if I were their younger daughter, but it was all just fake care. Uncle William is the older brother of my Dad, and also they are stepbrothers.

Mom once told me that Uncle used to get angry because everyone loved my Dad more than my Uncle and that's how he started to hate my Dad. So, he never get along with Dad while Dad loved him unconditionally. Maybe that's why he never liked me either.

Betty, my cousin, just turned 20 a month ago. She hasn't loved me since I came to stay with them in their house.

We studied in the same school, yet she never got higher marks than me. Because she is always busy eying on boys.

I always stay focused when I do something, which makes my work perfect.

So she gets jealous over everything I am good at. Well, now she can get what she wants as I won't be on her way anymore. I completed my school years just a few days ago. My uncle said that it was the last year of my education and as it is completed now, my study ends here.

Although, I am not sad to leave my study because one can get knowledge even from home rather than going outside if she really wants to be educated. And in the case of friends, I don't have any except a pen pal. She is the only one I am friends with for two years.

In the case of Aunt Linda, I don't know why she hates me so much. Not only her but all three of them hate me for their reasons.

I don't know if I ever did something wrong which makes them look at me like I am a criminal.

Suddenly a hard pressure came again with full force and attacked me on my cheeks. There I got slapped again.

"Such a spoiled girl you are. Don't even have any manners to respect your elders."

"I am sorry. I didn't do it on purpose."

"I don't wanna hear anything. When I told you not to come, you should not come. But you did exactly the opposite just to show me that my orders are nothing for you."

"I am sorry."

"Do you know how much I want to send Betty to the Mafia as their daughter-in-law? Even if William doesn't like the idea, I thought the son of the Mafia would like Betty and would offer to marry her."

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