Chapter 28: Past stories.

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Everything was going fine.

Alora was enjoying herself, she was having fun with everyone. Then what happened was that she suddenly became silent. And then she holds her breath in water and when asked, gives such an answer that the person in front becomes worried.

I caught her doing that for the first time, I don't know how many times she might have done that.

Perhaps... not perhaps, definitely I will get the answers to all my questions from just one question. The answer to which I cannot ask Alora myself, so the only hope I have is Tim.

I need to know about her past because people in the present only suffer when their past remains a horror story.

"Enzo... I know you must be curious about her whole existence and I would like to tell you everything about her." Tim acknowledged me with a head nod.

But the question is why? Why would he tell me everything about her by trusting me?

"Why would you trust me?" I still asked him.

Tim spoke with a smile, "Because I trust your mother. And I also respect that Queen."

It would be wrong to say that I was surprised to hear this. I was completely shocked.

"What do you mean?" I blurted out.

"I knew from the start that the person who talked to Alora through the letters is your mother. Your mother is her penfriend."

"But how did you find out?"

"That is a long story."

"I am all ears." I insisted.

Taking a long breath in, he started explaining to me -

"At that time, one day I saw Alora writing a letter to someone. Even though she hid it from everyone, she never hid it from me. Instead, she used to talk to me excitedly about that person. It was my responsibility to post her letters and keep the one and pass it to her which came for her." Then he paused and made a thoughtful face.

He continued, "Unbeknownst to her, when she went to school, I used to go to her school in recess and watch her every day, you know for my relief. Just to know she's okay. One day, I saw a lady sitting in a car in the distance from outside the school. She was watching Alora from there. Even though Alora was sitting on the concrete alone, doing nothing, that woman was still watching her and smiling." Tim breathed out.

"So that's how you knew about -"

"No." Tim interrupted as he shook his head before continuing, "After a few days I saw that lady again. She didn't do anything, just sat in the car like earlier and watched Alora. So, I decided to go to her and ask her. And as I talked to her, I learned that she was the one writing to her and also liked Alora, after talking to her through letters, she wanted to see her."

"Right." I breathed out.

And I already know the further story.

"I guess you are now able to understand all the matters of past and present."

"So that day when I came to William, you already knew about my mother and Alora's friendship." Now I can connect all the puzzles.

Tim nodded his head before he said, "Yeah. That's why when you demanded to take Alora with you that day; I sent her with you without any worry because I knew that you would not do her any harm." He released a relaxed sigh.

"So Tim, you said you trust me and that's why you also came today to answer my curiosity. I would like to know about Alora."

He looked at me with pain in his eyes, "Four years ago, her parents died. We three were very close friends, more like a family. At that time she was only fourteen. And for a fourteen-year-old girl, to know that her parents are dead when she comes from a school trip is a horrific moment." Tim's voice cracked as he finished his sentence. "She is in pain till now."

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