Chapter 24: The secret deal.

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"What is it that you want very badly but can't have it?"

I heard Carlo asking this question to someone when I was passing by the corridor. Then I found that someone was none other than Alora.

The two of them were standing on the side talking over something I couldn't get to know.

For a moment I thought that I knew her answer. Obviously it will be 'Love' as always, by how she talks and dreams. Girls like her always think only about love and all, there's nothing new in that.

"Death." She replied.

And it made me freeze like a stone at that moment where I was standing and hearing their conversation. I stood stunned in my place.

I never expected such an answer to come from Alora. I could not muster the courage to go ahead and ask her about this. So I went away from there.


It looks like my job as a Mafia doesn't suit me. I should just open a restaurant here, so that I can cook and feed people.

This is the second time I am making pizza for that girl. I don't know what I am doing, why am I doing all this?

And she made the request in such a way that I couldn't even refuse her. If this continues, one day I will get stuck in the kitchen forever. She will keep making requests after request and I will be present here with a nod to fulfil her demands.

Maybe it's all because of Dad as he never refuses Mom in anything. But then also me and her? We are not even a couple. Then why am I becoming like this? Why am I doing this for her? Why can't I just say no to her face?

Now why am I even asking? I am even done making pizza for her. And watching her eating with peace.

And this madam has already finished half of it. Didn't even ask me once.

She lifted her head to peek at me while taking a big bite and gave me the 'My love' look whenever she eats it.

Yeah, her love is being eaten by her.

"Don't give these looks and finish them fast."

No reply. She is eating with so much concentration that she doesn't care what is happening around her. Right now even if we get surrounded by our enemies then I know she will finish her pizza first while telling the goons to wait and then after she finishes, she will realise that situation.

I am watching her interestingly because she is no less than a cartoon character.

"You want a bite?" Her sudden question surprised me.

It's not like I was waiting for her to ask me if I wanted to have a bite or not. So, I just shook my head while rolling my eyes at her when she lifted her shoulder with a 'Your loss' look.

"Come on! You are lucky that I am offering you..." She said, hopefully extending one piece in my direction.

"Look, it's not a right question to ask a Mafia boss. I don't -" I couldn't even finish my sentence as she pushed the food in my mouth.

And until I took it all, she was pushing it, so as I took it fully, she also closed my lips together with her fingers to make me chew all of it.

It happened before too. This same scene happened on the second day of her coming here. Then with bread and now... sigh.

"I am obsessed with these pizzas. I don't like to compliment you but your cooking skills are pretty good that I have to admit." She showed me a thumbs up.

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