Chapter 25: Dare to love.

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It was a fun day today. Everyone was busy except me and Max.

So, we played a game.

The Dare game.

Yes, dare game- because in this game we only have to give dare to each other and complete it.

And whose turn would it be? How we decided is... by playing rock, paper, and scissors.

Max dared me to call someone and tell him that I can't talk right now. And yeah, I found it very funny. I called a random person and told him that and hung up the call immediately before he could even say something to me.

Even though I was anxious while doing that, it was fun. First time having this type of fun.

And I dared Max to let me do his makeup. And he asked me surprisingly if I knew how to do makeup to reply that I just shook my head which was enough to frighten him.

That's the fun point. I will have the chance to have my makeup experience with a person.

That's the advantage of having brothers, right? Experience your makeup skills on him!

It was traumatic for him. I know the whole time I was drawing on his face, he was going through trauma.

Poor Max. But I must agree that I enjoyed it.

So, we decided that we will play this game anytime. Like any random time. Whenever one will have an idea of dare, the other has to complete it.

And now I will fall ill if I do this. The dare I got right now, from Max; it will surely end me. In this dining room, Enzo is present having his dinner.


"I dare you to make Enzo blush." Max wiggled his eyebrows.

Is this some kind of a trick to take revenge for the horrible make-up I did on him? He literally told me to make Enzo blush.

That's impossible.

How??? The person who doesn't even smile regularly, how can I make such a person blush? But still as I can't step back from this game... okay, I can do this.

This is not a big deal.

"Um, hi Enzo." I shifted on my seat to face him and he stopped chewing his food, gulping it.

He nodded and continued eating. Maybe he is too tired and doesn't want to talk.

I turned my head to Max; he was silently cheering from behind. So, I tried again.

"I see that you are very tired today. All of you look exhausted, I am going to make you all feel freshened up."

"Wow! Okay." Rome gave me a thumbs up.

"Let me use a pickup line on you. I made it just now, only for you." I gave my brightest smile.

Even though I told them that I am going to make them feel relaxed, I said this line looking at Enzo only.

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