Chapter 4: He is my new enemy.

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I had a beautiful dream in which there was a boy who was carrying me in his arms while taking me to a garden full of flowers.

He never came before in my dreams. I looked at him and he told me to close my eyes but I didn't listen. There was a bed in that garden where he put me down, then covered me with a blanket. Then he whispered to me, "Get some sleep. I wish to come back when you are awake."

He said he would come back, so it means I can sleep now. Please come back again. I thought in my dream and slowly closed my eyes.

My eyes are opened by the gleaming lights. I blinked so many times before opening my eyes slowly to come into my reality.

The White ceiling first came into my view and I blinked again to recollect my memories.

Then everything flashed before me and I remembered what had happened in the car. They knew what I was going to do. And that boy?

Ughh... How dare he kidnap me while I was ready to come with them? He better not be my enemy by acting like one, otherwise, I will have to be the villain.

Okay... I agree that I had planned to escape but it didn't even work because he kidnapped me before that.

But wait- why am I here in this room? I realized I was here alone and there were no traces of anything except four walls. I looked around the room to find something that I could use to protect myself but nothing was found.

Terror filled me and I started shaking. I got up from the bed and ran towards the door. But it was locked.

The room was coloured all white. It only has a small closet and so many bulbs. Even though there is light, I can't stay in here any longer as I am not feeling alright by being confined here. I am locked in a room.

I banged on the door once, then twice while shouting to open the door.

"Is anyone there? Please help me. I- I can't breathe. Please just open the door, I promise that I won't try to escape again."

No one came.

Oh my God! I can't breathe.

Panic overflowed in me, leaving me in gasps. It was getting hard to breathe.

I tried to go to bed. I was trembling, if I stood for any more seconds I would lose consciousness.

But my legs were so shaking, it didn't make it, not even make it to the edge of the bed.

Then I heard a clicking sound of the door. As I was just about to fall to the floor, someone caught me.

I had already closed my eyes to make myself calm.

"It's okay... it's okay." His arms hold me from falling.

He took my trembling body to the bed and started rubbing my back and my palms to calm me down.

"Breath slowly..."

It kinda helped me to breathe. But I was still breathing heavily.

"P- please... I w-won't....try... to.. escape.. a- again." I managed to complete my sentence by gasping and stuttering at every word.

"It's alright. Don't think about it. For now, just calm down and try to breathe." His voice was calm and full of care.

After a few moments, my panic goes down and slowly ends. My eyes were still closed, so I decided to open them now.

As I opened my eyes; I saw a man wearing glasses who seemed like the age of those two men whom I met earlier, kneeling on the floor, looking at my face. His face formed into a gentle smile.

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