Chapter 7: You are a monster.

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I was woken up by the fresh sunlight which landed on my face. They gave me a room along with them on the second floor. But the thing is that mine is between Galen and that bossy monster.

Why? What did I do wrong to have to get a room beside him? I think he did that on purpose only to irritate me more. Well, then let's show him that I can do that better.

I got up from my bed and went to get fresh up and take a shower. As when I'm in the shower, all my stress, anger, and fear disappeared. So, now I am in a cheerful mood.

After the shower, I opened the closet to pick out a dress I will wear for today. To be honest, I never had this many clothes at my Uncle's.

Last night, the workers restored the closet full of so many clothes, shoes, handbags and all the girls' products like makeup, hair products, different types of face masks and so much more. I have never done makeup before and will never do it. Because I like my face to be natural. But yeah... I would like to use face masks to know if it's fun to apply on the face.

I have seen Betty wear these face masks with her friends when they came to the house to sleep over and enjoy all night. They used to watch TV till midnight and order what they wanted to eat. I never had any friends, so I don't know what it feels like to enjoy.

I changed into comfy clothes.

Then I decided to go downstairs for breakfast

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Then I decided to go downstairs for breakfast. As when I was just about to, someone knocked on the door.

"Y- yes."

The door slowly opened and revealed Carlo.

"Good morning, little miss." Carlo winked at me with a warm smile.

"Good morning." I smiled at him.

"I am here to take you for breakfast. You must be starving right now." He said opening the door for me.

"Thank you."

We only made it to the halfway of the stairs when I saw the men from last night standing outside. When they saw me, a smile formed on everyone's face.

"Good morning." I wished morning to every single person present there from the stairs because if I get down, the last rows of men won't be able to see my face.

I love myself the way I am, including my height, my face, hair, shape, and the invisible scars inside me.

They all bowed their heads to me and suddenly I felt like I am a leader. I also bowed my head to them.

"Why are they not inside? Won't they have breakfast?" I was confused.

"Enzo decided that from now only the five of us will eat together, not anyone else." He shrugged and released a sigh.

"Why? Then what about them?"

"Don't worry little miss, Enzo has already prepared a separate dining room for them."

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