Chapter 19: A new way to communicate.

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"Now will you please stop your emotional drama?" I don't need to turn to that face to see who just said that. That could be only one person.

The monster.

My newfound family turned to face him only except me. I later turned to see him, and I can sense that this time we all were giving him a dead look because he was bothering us in our emotional moment.

"Chill brothers! He is just jealous of us." I told them by patting them on their shoulders. I feel lucky to get accepted by them.

They laughed at my words but nodded in a fake agreement. Then, we again sat in our places and this time I got a seat beside Enzo.

Why? Why him?

I was stepping slowly towards my place on the sofa, while I glanced at him only to find that he was smirking at me. It's not that I am still scared of him. No. The thing is I don't feel scared around him, anymore, instead, I feel nervous and restless and I don't know for what reason.

Now when I look at him and when I tease him or irritate him, I feel... different. I feel joy. His annoyance towards my mischief brings me some new types of happiness which I never got before, not even from my four knights.

And he also doesn't seem to be angry with my happy pranks and funny moments. Which makes me comfortable being around him unlike my Uncle and Aunt and of course, Betty.

The night ended but I got so many good memories to remember in my future. I hope that I will find many more happy moments ahead.


I heard that a man came here and my four knights and Enzo are in a meeting with him.

Yes! They are now my four knights.

They are locked inside the same meeting room where all their business people come and talk in private.

I started roaming around the entrance while waiting for them because, without them, I can't think of anything to start with. First, Enzo will tell them to teach me this or that, then my brothers will teach me new interesting things.

The door of the meeting room suddenly opened with a loud thud, which made me startled by the noise so I hid behind the other part of the door. From the corner of the door, I saw an old man with a scary face but he seems like a frog to me, walking towards the door in big steps. He had two other men around him, one on his left and the other on his right. In the blink of an eye, they were gone.

They were looking very serious. Then, I saw Enzo and my brothers also come out of that room while speaking in a low tone, but their faces were filled with tension along with anger.

What would have happened if they all were looking so tense? Perhaps that scary man did something or must have threatened which affected them in this way.

To know the answers, I came out from behind the door when they instantly spotted me. I gave them a warm smile, and luckily they smiled back. Enzo just nodded lightly at me. Now, they don't seem to be in tension, then what was that before?

As I was just about to ask them about that meeting when Enzo suddenly left without a single word. Something serious must have happened for sure.

I came towards Carlo to ask him because he is the only one who always explains these matters to me. It doesn't mean that Max, Galen and Rome don't, they also help but the thing is Carlo understands me better.

He explained to me that, that man works in many illegal ways and he is even into dirty politics. As he has business with the main boss, Enzo's father, sometimes Enzo also joined hands with him for all his money laundering and loan sharking with the national candidates who tend to get votes from the mafia head, who controls the votes and directs them to the local politicians.

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