Chapter 17: Impressive.

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The fresh sunlight from the window of my room spread all over, lighting my face along with the entire space.

I woke up and sat on my bed for some time while I recalled the moments from a few hours ago. It was midnight and I also slept late even after I came to my room.

When I got everything recalled, my smile went bigger. I even started chuckling lightly and patted myself on my arm by remembering what I did last night.

"Mhm... You did the impossible, Alora. I am proud of you."

I said to myself and giggled in my thoughts of mischief.

I got up from my bed and walked into the bathroom to wash my face before taking a shower when suddenly I sneezed. It was the first one since last night. I already knew that my immune system would betray me at any time.

Well, I think.....

Then I sneezed again. After I freshened up and wore some light outfits, I came out of my room to come downstairs.

The moment I was walking down the stairs very carefully to not slip as I was jumping and after I came in the middle way, I spotted Carlo and Enzo coming from outside while having bags in both of their hands.

"Morning guys." I heard Max shout while coming out with Galen and Rome from the other room.

I stepped down the remaining stairs and walked towards them. When they noticed me all of their faces lit up except Enzo's. He was looking at me annoyingly. Well, yeah that's what I was expecting.

"Hey! Good morning." I said to everyone.

One by one all of them patted me on my head and wished me morning.

"Where are you two coming from?" I asked curiously.

Enzo and Carlo faced each other before answering me.

"This is for you." Carlo handed me the plastic bag which he was holding.

"For me? What is in it?" I asked.

"Open it."

I partly opened the bag and my eyes widened with happiness.

It has satin hair ribbons and so many of them, all different colours.

My eyes sparkled at the gift I just received. They insisted that I should show them wearing it, so I wore the ribbon bow and did a little spin to show them.

"You liked it?" Carlo asked raising both of his eyebrows in waiting for my reply.

I looked up at him and said, "Is that a question to ask? Of course... I loved it."

A bright smile formed on his face which also made me smile. I stepped towards him and hugged him while he immediately hugged me back and patted me on my head.

My uncle and Aunt never bought anything for me other than the really necessary things. Once Tim had bought me some hair clips, and ties, and when Uncle got to know about that, he punished me by locking me into a dark store room. Since then I have been afraid of dark rooms, not when I am sleeping by closing the light as I can handle myself in sleep but when I get to know that someone locked me from outside.

I was only 15 at that time when it all began, and that punishment became my routine as they said I make mistakes in every work. That's how the darkroom became my fear but the darkness became my friend.

"Thank you so much. You don't know but it's too much for me." I said while pulling back from the hug and looking up at him.

He grinned and again patted my head making my hair a bit messy but that was not important for me.

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