Chapter 21: Be a gentleman.

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For the last time, I saw myself in the mirror. Even though I chose the dress, it seems a bit revealing for which I am feeling uncomfortable.

But I like it better than the other dresses and it's fine, I can move around in it rather than in those heavy clothes.

The red colour looks like those red roses and I like it. I tried walking back and forth by wearing the heels Enzo chose for me.

I can walk properly wearing this, but sometimes I am slipping. I am not worried that people will judge me by how I am walking and all. The only fear is that I might slip and sprain my ankle.

Okay... it's just a matter of time. Yeah, I can hide my tiny legs with the layer of the dress.

There are a lot more important matters to deal with rather than the dress and the heels.

I am keeping my hair open and combing it well. There were different shades of lipstick, Enzo bought for me. He said I should apply some lipstick to look better. So, I applied red lipstick but lightly, not too dark not too light.

"Perfect!" I muttered to myself by glancing at the mirror. "Remember Alora, you have to be confident. At the party, no one will want you to be good. So you must turn off your good side and switch on the bad side."

I took the phone from the table that Enzo gave me today and came out of my room. After coming downstairs, my brothers and I already had a small chat about our outfits and excitement about the party.

All of them looked amazing in their suits. Max started joking that girls would be hitting on them because of their handsome faces. And I laughed hard at his expression when he said that.

They all complimented me one by one.

Carlo said I am looking gorgeous with his mouth wide open. Rome said I look stunning by pinching my nose.
Galen's expression was enough for me as he was amused by seeing me. Max started telling me that if some random guy started hitting me, he would break his neck. And the others agreed with him and nodded with anger on their face.

It makes me smile at their reactions and protectiveness. They said they were going to do something important and said bye to me.

But I was only waiting for that one person to take away all my negative thoughts about this dress. I don't know why I only need him to tell me about my dress so that I can relax.

Both of us are acting strange with each other. He seems to be acting differently around me and I... I don't know what is happening inside me.

I haven't seen Enzo yet. As three cars came and stopped in front of us, someone tapped on my shoulder from behind.

As I turned back to see, I saw a beautiful monster dressed like a devil, standing right in front of me, hands in his pockets. He is smiling which made me smile broader than him.

His eyes examined me from head to toe and I noticed his mouth was slightly parted, just slightly. His eyes widened a little bit and then I saw it became soft.

Although everyone gave me compliments, my eyes were on him. The monster is beautiful and I can't ignore it.

How can someone so deadly look so beautiful at the same time?

"You are looking... good," I said to him, trying to hide my amused face. But I failed.

He breathed out and said, "But you are exactly looking like the red roses with invisible thorns around."

This! This is the reason why I wanted him to comment on my dress. Because he adores me in secret, he admires me by his words.

Now all my anxiousness is gone and I am fully relaxed.

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