Chapter 22: That's my trouble.

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I don't understand what I am doing. She ordered me on my order that I should request her to become my plus one. And I did. I am obeying her when she should be the one to do it.

Something is changing between us. And I don't think anyone can tell me what it is.

Earlier when I asked her to be my plus one only for tonight, I saw a strange expression on her face. It was quite... cute. Maybe?

Perhaps, I am losing my mind because I am obeying everything she says, even tolerating her tantrums. Also caring for her ankle to not get sprained.

I was so busy catching up with every businessman that I forgot about Alora.

She said that she has to go to the bathroom to freshen up a bit and also she will talk with the other girls there. And she also went saying that she will be late because girls talk more in the washroom, which is correct.

I am watching my friends having different kinds of fun with those ladies they met earlier. Only Max was sitting alone but he seems to enjoy his own company because he is drinking. They just need an excuse to consume alcohol as much as possible.

Groves is also here now. I saw him glaring at me several times. But now, he has also not been seen for a long time.

I don't care as long as he is not creating any problems for me.

Now, it's almost been half an hour since she was gone. I should check-

There she is. She is coming in her heels, swinging and moving. I already told her not to walk with it but it is also true that she has been sitting since we came here.

I feel pity that she won't be able to jump for some time until we go back.

Trouble is coming towards me. There was a look of ecstasy on her face. Her face is filled with satisfaction and... joy.

What was so fun in the bathroom?

As soon as she came walking towards me, her heels slipped again. But luckily, I caught her from falling.

"Thank you." She said with a bright smile.

"I told you-"

"Yeah, I am sorry. I won't go anywhere, again." She cut me off and said. Then she muttered something in her breath that I couldn't hear.

I was looking at her face and trying to know what she was up to when my friends came out of nowhere and stood beside her. Carlo hugged her like always and she gave him a warm smile.

They chatted about the party and the people who look like grim reapers to her. She said they all look scary and deadly.

A waiter came to us with glasses of wine in his tray. Everyone took a glass from it, then I saw that the trouble was going to take one.

As she grabbed the glass, I snitched it from her and placed it again into the tray. All of them looked at me confusingly. But she seems to be angry with that.

"Now can't I even drink juice?" She complained.

Instead of giving her an answer, I looked around and when I saw a waitress with a tray of juices, I called her here.

"It was alcohol."

"Oh! I don't drink alcohol." She said with relief.

When the waitress was coming, I saw a nervous look on Alora's face. She started rubbing the back of her neck and tugged her hair behind her ears. But she was also smiling.

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