Chapter 1: The First Day

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The summer has finally ended and today brings a brand new year at Hogwarts. The Hogwarts Princess has been bouncing around the castle nervously and excitedly for when she is reunited with her friends and to finally be placed into a House with the new first years, whom some will also be her new housemates. It was a struggle for the professors to keep Camila sitting still and have a meal.

It was hour before the Hogwarts Express would arrive, all the professors, ghosts and others went their separate ways to get ready for the welcoming dinner and the sorting of the first years.

Camila retreated to her room to put on her uniform which requires a white bottom up blouse, a black skirt, the black Hogwarts tie, gray sweater, black socks and shoes and her Hogwarts robe. She left her hair natural just running her fingers through it before placing a black bow on the top of her head.

When she thought she was ready, she left her room before heading to Professor Dumbledore's office. As she got there, she knocked twice before entering.

"Professor Dumbledore?" Camila called out.

"Yes, Camila." He answered from the stairs above his desk. "Are you okay?"

"Sí, just nervous." Camila said walking up to his desk.

"There is nothing to be nervous about. You'll do great." The Headmaster said encouragingly and Camila smiled at him. "What's on your mind, Camila?"

"I was just wondering if you could grant me a few requests?" She looked at him with her puppy dog eyes and pout.

"And what would that be?" He asked sighing know he was weak to her pout.

"Can I keep my room?" She asked politely. "You know, just to keep all my stuff and somewhere I can sneak away to study."

"Okay. It is your room. I wasn't going to take it away from you." He said smiling as he watched her play with Fawkes his Phoenix. "Is there anything else?"

"Um, yes. I thinking that after the first year were shown to their common room if I could have a gather on the Quidditch pitch with everyone just as welcoming for first years and welcome back thing." She explained.

"How long will it be?" He asked curious of her plans.

"Thirty minutes to an hour, max." She said staring into his face. "I got a firework custom make, they going to love it." She said truthfully. The thing Professor Dumbledore like the most is honestly.

"Okay." He agreed and she squealed in excitement. "But if I see or hear anything wild going on, its over. Understand?" He says sternly.

"Comprende. I promise." She ran and hug him. "Mucho gracias."

"Okay, okay." He hugged her back them looked over to the clock. "They will be here soon. Why doesn't you go and take your seat at the table." He said more an order than a question.

"Okay." She pulled away from him and kissed Fawkes' head before heading for the door. "Oh and professor? How do I look in my uniform?" Camila asked spinning.

"Pretty and neat as usually." He commented.

"Not looking bad yourself, Sir." She said giggle as she walked out the door and to the Great Hall.

In the Great Hall the professors sat at the top and Camila seated beside Professor Dumbledore watching as second to seventh years filed in, taking their seats in their individual houses. When they were settled they waited until Professor McGonagall came in with the first years.

The doors to the Great Hall opened and Professor McGonagall stepped in with the nervous and shy boys and girls waking behind her. Camila watched and shifted uncomfortably on her seat when her eyes met with the same green-eyed girl she saw in Diagon Alley when she tripped two years ago. The unknown girl smirked at her causing Camila to blush.

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