Chapter 32: Answers

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The next morning at Hogwarts Lauren and Lucy made their way to the Great Hall for breakfast at the Slytherin's table while the others sat with Sofia and Dinah at the Gryffindor's table, they glanced at the duo before turning back to their meal when Sofia's owl came in with mail. It was unusual for Sofia to get mail which caused the professors and Headmaster to watch them carefully.

"What did you get, Sofi?" Ally asked as the young Cabello in surprise.

"It's the Daily Prophet." Sofia said but when she read the headlines the younger Cabello went into shock and so did Dinah when she glanced at the paper.

"Sofi, what's wrong?" Normani asked when saw that both of her best friends were unresponsive from shock, so she quickly took the paper out the young girl's hands. "Holy shit." The dark skin girl said before taking a deep breath to calm her nerves.

"What does it say, Mani?" Austin asked her in a worried tone.

"The Hogwarts Princess Returns." Normani said reading the title to her friends. "It is rumoured that the Hogwarts Princess, Karla Camila Cabello is now in the hospital under critical conditions, when asked about the Princess's condition, it was said that Camila was badly abused, sleep deprived and suffered malnourishment. Minister Cornelius Fudge says they are giving the Princess her privacy to recover before bringing her in for questioning and evaluation. At the moment Miss Cabello is no threat to the public as she is under 24-hour watch at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries and questions will be answered at a later date."

"Poor Camila, we should see if we can go see her." Troy said with great sadness in his voice as he looked at Sofia that haven't moved since the paper was opened. "Sofia." He said trying to snap the girl out of it but all she did was look up at him.

"Maybe we should wait before bombarding her because we don't know how much mental trauma Camila had gone through. When she's ready she'll ask to see us." Dinah said trying to reason with the others and Sofia turned to look at her before looking back at the picture of Camila the Daily Prophet took of her cousin lying unconscious in the hospital bed.

Shaking her head Sofia grabbed the newspaper from Austin who was looking over it before marching over to the Slytherin's table with the others following in suit and threw Lauren's meal to the side then slapped the paper in front of the green-eyed raven that had been watching the younger Cabello from the moment she rose from her seat. Sofia left after leaving the paper with Lauren, she made her way to Professor Dumbledore who was waiting for her at the entrance and the others followed them without question. Lauren, however, eyes widen at the title and quickly read through the article before quickly running after the others.


"Where is she?" Lord Voldemort yelled at them causing everyone to flinch.

"The Daily Prophet says she's at St. Mungo's but heavily guarded." Lucius said before showing his master the article.

"How did she get past the barrier?" Voldemort asked throwing the paper back at Lucius.

"You forget that she is wise beyond her years, my Lord." Severus said stepping out the shadows. "Camila had studied every enchantment and every spell known and it looks like she figured a counter spell to breaking through. After removing your blinding enchantment, she must have figured out how to leave."

"You dare try and accuse that this is my fault." Lord Voldemort said angrily before approached Severus.

"Never, my Lord." Snape said quickly with his head bowed. "We were just outsmarted. I blame us to underestimating the Princess.

"Severus," Voldemort said taking the man's face in his hands, "my most loyal servant, why are you still here? You were detained during this, so why are you still here?"

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