Chapter 29: The Darkside

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Darkness was the only thing the Princess could see from when they took her to now where they held her captive. Camila didn't know how long much time had passed, if it was hours or days that had went because of the darkness and cold that enveloped her and to make things for the Princess, the pain in her side had returned. However, Camila stood strong in her dark room as she waited until they needed her presence but don't take the Princess's patience for weakness because she had tried to apparated but the room was enchanted and her wand was taken from her when they took her, so Camila had nothing to do but wait.

She waited and waited, Camila didn't know how long she's been standing in the same spot but her feet burned and her side ached. Camila didn't want to show any signs of weakness just in case they came her because this is one mission she can't lose her bearings about this even if they hurt her because there are people that she has to get back to. Eventually, they came for the Princess, as they opened the door and the light blasted into the dark room blinding Camila.

"The Dark Lord is ready for you." The man said and as the Princess's eyes finally adjusted to the light, she turned to see who her escort was. Pale skin and white hair that could only belong to one family...Malfoy.

"Lucius Malfoy." Camila said causing Lucius eyes to widen because the Princess recognized him. "I know that you're one of his followers."

Lucius grabbed the Princess by the arm and pulled her out room in the direction of his master. They entered a large room where Lord Voldemort sat in his high and mighty chair, his snake lay on the fringing of his black robe and his followers standing all around the room as they waited on his orders. The Princess was pushed to stand center of the room and waited to be acknowledged.

"Bow before the great Lord Voldemort." Lucius said demanded but the Princess stood her ground with no emotion on her face.

"You defiant, spoil brat!" Bellatrix Lestrange yelled as she moved from her spot and slapped the Princess across her face. Camila face ducked down from the slap and she looked up at Bellatrix with anger but she did not move. "Kneal."

"Never." Camila finally said through grit teeth and Bellatrix was about to slap the Princess again.

"Enough." Voldemort said causing Bellatrix to shrink in fear and moved back from the Princess. Camila looked up at the Dark Lord and the only emotion that ran through the Princess was disgust. "The Hogwarts Princess, Karla Camila Cabello."

"What have you done with Lucy's family?" The Princess asked glaring at Lord Voldemort for using her first name.

"I had them safely delivered to the outside of your school. Now Miss Cabello, tell me who is the one that is claimed to be the one to end my end my rule?" He asked standing from his seat as he slowly made his way towards the Princess.

"Do I look like a prophet?" Camila asked the Dark Lord with attitude and the Lord Voldemort quickly grab the Princess by the throat.

"This is no joke little girl and if I didn't need you in my upcoming plans then I would have killed you on spot." Voldemort said as his fingers tightens around Camila's neck before letting the Princess go with an extra push causing her to fall to the floor. "Now, you're going to be taught that I'm not a force to be reckoned with...Bellatrix, she's all yours."

Bellatrix smirked before using her wand as a whip to wrap around the Princess's neck and pulled the young girl to her. Camila grasp for air as Bellatrix released her and the evil bitch laughed at the Camila's pain. Two Death Eater grabbed Camila to pulled her to her feet but the Princess fought against them by kicking one in the nuts and punching the other in the face but she didn't notice how close Bellatrix was to her when the Princess turned to attack the crazy bitch. However, Bellatrix punch her in the face, knocking out the Princess.

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