Chapter 18: Fight or Flight

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Previously on The Hogwarts Princess

"I know that you're out here!" Camila yelled out in the woods by cause she has a feeling that he was near. "You wanted me! Here I am!" She breathed heavily as she heard steps coming towards her. "What do you want from me?!"


The steps got closer to Camila but before they could see each other Camila was pulled away and her wand removed from her hand. A hand covered her month to stop Camila's screams from escaping. Camila wiggled her defenceless body, trying to get free from the person's grasp.

"Calm down, Miss Cabello." The male voice whispered. "I'm going to let you go now but you have to be quiet." Camila nodded and he let her go.

"Can I have my wand back, please?" Camila asked and he nodded handing her back the wand. "What's your name Auror?"

"Jonas, Nicholas Jonas." Nicholas said introducing himself. "What are you doing out here, Miss Cabello? It's too dangerous."

"You can call me, Camila." She said with a small smile but her face got serious. "The Minister told me about him and I think I'm the only one that can end this."

"Are you sure you want to do this, Camila?" He asked with a stern voice. "Do you want to risk your life?"

"Yes." Camila said with conviction. "No one else dies and I want my family and friends safe." She said and he nodded in understanding. "Can you do something for me?"

"Sure, anything." Nicholas agreed.

"If something happens to me or if I die-"

"You can't think like that Miss Cabello." Nicholas cut her off.

"Just in case...Can you my family that I did this for them and tell Lauren I really loved her." Camila said and he nodded.

"I promise." Nicholas agreed. He was about to speak again but he became silent when a voice in the distant spoke.

"Where are you, little girl?" A creepy voice rang out. It was Ouranos.

Camila peeped out from where she was hidden to see what he looked like. She saw a tall, muscular, dirty man and she would be lying if she said that he wasn't attractive which he was but then again this was the man that killed her family.

"Come out, come out where ever you are." Ouranos' creepy voice rang out sending a chill down Camila's spine.

"Just keep him distracted until I get the other Aurors. Defend yourself if you have to." Nicholas said and Camila nodded. "Stay alive." His said before disappearing.

"Come out, I'm not going to hurt yet." Ouranos said with a wicked laugh. Camila slowly came out of hiding. "Look who came out to play." He said as his blue eyes made contact with Camila before laughing like a crazy man.

"What do you want from me?" Camila asked stepping cautiously, keeping her distance and her wand tightly gripped in her hand.

"I want to build an army with you leading us." He stated clearly.

"And why would I do that? Why would I want to be a leader of stealing, murdering psychopath, especially one that killed my parents and family!" Camila said with anger in her voice.

"Your family were fools to stand against us than joining us! We were going to rule what was rightfully ours and put muggles where they're supposed to be! Below us!"

"You have no clue what you're talking about. We have rules and regulations for a reason." Camila said defending the ministry.

"You stupid girl!" Ouranos said moving towards Camila who brought her wand up ready to attack and moved away from him. "A powerful witch as yourself could rule so many than hiding from the weak. You could have anything you wanted."

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