Chapter 22: Practice Makes Perfect

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Camila have been withdrawn from her friends after her discussion with the Headmaster and the other professors. She been so in her head about the upcoming training that she would have to her friends through. Camila has be so out of it that the girl has missed several of her classes during the week which everyone thought was very unusual but they still gave the Princess her space, however, when Camila missed all her classes on Friday Lauren was very worried.

What they don't know is that Camila had asked permission to leave the school for the day. The Headmaster saw the distant look in the Princess's eyes and he granted permission without questions. Camila decided to travel by Floo Port instead of Apparatus. She walked over to the fireplace, grabbed some Floo Powder and Professor Dumbledore walked to the fireplace as it burst into green flames and the young girl disappeared.

Camila appeared in a building with dark colours tiles and people walking around, she had made her destination through the Ministry of Magic. She walked into the crowd of wizards that watched her closely, some there didn't know her while others either ignored the girl or admired the Princess's beauty after not seeing her for a while. Camila made her way to the elevator and told the man what floor she wanted to go; her first stop was the Auror's Department, Camila hoped that the person she needed to see was there and not out in the field. Luckily for Camila the person she wanted was sitting around a desk reading the Daily Prophet; noticing a shadow coming close to him, he closed the paper and his eyes meet with the brown-eyed Princess.

"Camila, what are you doing here?" He asked as her took in the worried, stressed young girl standing before him.

"I need your help, Nicholas." Camila said softly to the Auror.

"What's wrong, Camila?" Nick asked again standing up then pulled the girl somewhere they could talk in private.

"I-I don't know what to do... I mean I do know what to do but I don't think I can do it. I don't think I can put that much pressure on them and just stand there and break them especially..." Camila ranted said pulling on her hair while Nick was totally lost.

"Wow Mila...What are you talking about?" Nick asked pulling the girl's hand out of her hair. "What's going on, Princess." He asked and Camila took a deep breath.

"I don't know what's going on, Nick. Two students transferred to Hogwarts, they are after me and my friends...things got a lot more complicated. Now I have the responsibility of train my friends the same way I was just in case a war breaks out in Hogwarts but I can't do it on my own. Nick, I can't watch as I break them, it would kill me. I'm begging you to help me train them...not all the time but at lease with the hard apart I can't stomach to do." Camila said and stress on her face showed and that she hadn't slept in days.

"Sure. I'll do anything to help but let's go talk to Cornelius about this first...okay?" Nick said and Camila nodded before they walked over to the elevator.

The two made their way to the Minister's office who wasn't surprised to see the girl walk into his office since words of the girl wondering around the Ministry alone spread to his office quickly but he was surprise to see Nicholas walking into his office with her.

"Camila." Cornelius said talking the girl into his arms for a short hug. "Mr Jonas." He acknowledged Nick with a handshake.

"Minister." Nick said nodding his head respect.

"What can I do for you?" Cornelius asked motioning them to sit.

Camila sighed as she sat down; when she finally looked at the Minister in the eyes, he saw how stressed the girl looked and her bright brown eyes were now dull. She looked to Nick before opening her mouth to tell Cornelius about the situation that she was in and the actions she would like to take but she needed permission to train her friends and borrow Nick to assist her. Cornelius knew it wasn't going to be an easy task for Camila especially since the girl is so close with the persons she'll be training. The Minister approved of Camila's request and gave her all access to what she needed to do for training her friends so they can survive if there is a war.

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