Chapter 31: Scarred for Life

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Winter break was over and school had started once again at Hogwarts, however, things were different. The Princess was not there with her friends and the whole school knew why but no-one said anything to the group of friends, just gave them sad looks. However, they were not accommodating to a new addition to their school, Lucy had been transferred to Hogwarts after the trade and eventually was offered a house and protection for her and her family. Everyone on the train had locked Lucy out knowing she was the cause of the Princess's disappearance and even though her and Lauren were now close after staying with the Jauregui's house for a while but Sofia and the other didn't want the brown-haired girl anywhere near them or Lauren, seeing they knew about Lucy's feelings for Lauren. Lucy was basically an outcast, she was placed in Ravenclaw House and no-one would sit by the girl during dinner but after dinner when everyone was on their way to their Houses Lucy was pulled aside into the shadows by Lauren.

"Hey, are you okay?" Lauren asked as she was sure they were out of site.

"No...everyone is treating me like a fucking plague and my only friend turned her back on me once her friends are around." Lucy said pulling away from the green-eyed girl.

"I'm trying Lucy but they need to trust you after everything that happened. It's still fresh for them." Lauren explained to the other girl who hissed her teeth.

"Really? You're trying? Look at where we are now. We have to talk away from where anyone can't see us. This is ridiculous." Lucy said in frustration.

"Lucy please-" Lauren started but the other girl cut her off.

"No...I better head to my common room before people think I'm up to no good." Lucy said before walking from Lauren.

Sighing heavily as she watched Lucy walk away from her and even though she wanted to go after the girl, she didn't; Lauren gave Lucy space to get settled in and deal with her consequences. The green-eyed made her way to Slytherin's common room where she was ambushed by Taylor, Normani and Brad with their arms crossed and glaring at her.

"Where were you?" Normani asked without hesitation.

"Listen, I know you guys don't like Lucy but if you just gave her a chance." Lauren was saying before Taylor cut her off by waving her hands in no-way expression.

"Give her a chance, are you fucking kidding me, Lauren? She stayed in our home and I didn't want her anywhere near us. That girl is bad news." Taylor said trying to knock some sense into her sister's head.

"And I must remind you that Lucy also has feelings for you." Brad said causing Lauren to bow her head in shame.

"I'm sorry. I just want to help her." Lauren said sadly knowing Taylor and Brad was somewhat right.

"We did help her, Lauren but now it's time for her to help herself." Normani said placing her hand on Lauren's shoulder. "Remember the cost we paid for helping her too."

After Normani spoke the three of them retreated to their rooms leaving Lauren to get some sleep for class the next day while the raven hair girl left the Slytherin's common room and headed to the other side of the castle to Camila's private chambers. The green-eyed raven quickly changed into her nightwear before picking up the framed photograph of her and Camila smiling at each other before turning to smile at the camera. Several thoughts ran through Lauren's mind but one she voiced before sighing deeply.

"Did we make the right choice, Camz?" She asked herself as her finger ran against Camila's face then placed the photo on the nightstand, turning to her side and hugged one of the pillows before drifting off to sleep.


Meanwhile at Malfoy Manner Camila has been tortured from the day she had in Diagon Alley and today was the first day since they removed her from the dark and cold room. The Princess had passed out from her last session with the Dark Lord and he had moved her back to the room he had chosen for her. Feeling sorry the Princess a female Death Eater had came into the girl's room to clean then change her and while changing the brown-haired Princess, she noticed something alarming about the girl's appearance; her skin was pale with bruises scattered all over and she had became so malnourished that her ribs printed out. She ordered the elf to retrieved food and water for the Princess and as he returned with the items required the Princess woke and the Death Eater tried to walk towards Camila but the girl was afraid and quickly got off the bed to cower in the nearest corner.

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