Chapter 15: Welcome Back Camila

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Days, weeks and months has passed for the students and professors at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Holidays passed and exams are over and as of now the school year is over. It was actually the last day of school before they leave on the train tomorrow. Students were either packing or having fun with friends or their significant other before the summer holiday. Lauren and the others, they were sitting in Slytherin's common room laughing at some dumb joke Brad gave when something ran across Dinah's mind.

"Guys," Dinah said getting their attention, "have you notice that even though Camila wasn't hanging with us this year, we still had one or two interactions with her?" They looked at her like she had a good point and now that they noticed they could recall the moments.

Everybody remembered their time Camila over the year. It was either they got to partner up with her in class or Camila caught them after hours while they were roaming the halls.

"After the Halloween dance everything was different." Ally said smiling as she was cuddling with Troy.

"What about you, Sofi? Apart from the Halloween dance, did anything happen with you and Camila?" Austin asked which made Sofia shy away because she did see and talk to Camila after the Halloween dance but she didn't know if she should tell anyone and the only person she did tell was Lauren.

"Back off, Austin." Lauren snapped at the Gryffindor boy.

"Why do you have to snap at me every time I say something, Lauren?" Austin asked with attitude.

"Because-" Lauren started but was cut off.

"Lauren," Sofia said stopping the older girl from starting a fight. She knew Lauren didn't like Austin because everybody knows that he has a crush Camila but she really didn't want them to fight. "It's okay. I really don't mind." She said and all eyes were on her. "Well, I didn't tell you all it but Christmas was my favourite because Camila popped in and was really nice to me and my family. She even apologized to my parents and she got me a gift."

"That's so great, Sofi." Dinah said.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Normani said jumping in just as happy as for Sofia.

"Yeah. What did she get you?" Ally said all giddy.

"Well, you didn't ask. You just assumed that Camila didn't come home for Christmas." Sofia said with a giggle. "She asked to come but she couldn't apparate around, so Professor Dumbledore had to take her and she got me my owl."

"That's is great, Sofi. We're glad you got to spend time with Camila." Troy said giving the younger girl a side hug.

"She really wanted to see Lauren but Dumbledore wouldn't let her." Sofia said and everyone gave Lauren sad face but the Slytherin just rolled her eyes.

The rest of the time they went around telling their favourite time at school and how Camila would pop up out of nowhere to see them or when they try to sneak to see Camila but always get caught by professors. Lauren was the last one to share and she was hesitant to tell them hers.

"Well, mine is when one night I was at the Astronomy tower and Camila found me up there. It was one of the days I missed her so much. We didn't say anything or do anything. We just sat there and enjoy each other's company until Professor Snape found us and scold Camila causing her to leave." Lauren said with her eye brows frowned and a sad expression.

"Really?!" Dinah and Normani said at the same time.

"You sat there and didn't bang your girl?" Dinah asked while laughing loudly and everybody laughed.

"Shut up!" Lauren yelled as they snickered except Sofia who shifted awkwardly. "One, no and two, there is a young one sitting right here." She said gesturing to towards Sofia.

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