Chapter 6: The Winter Ball

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It has been a couple of weeks that Camila and Lauren confessed their feelings towards each other. Camila is still a little confused on how she is feeling. She's been hanging with Austin a little more and she really enjoys his company. He now hangs out with Camila and her friends which upsets Lauren but she lets it go when she sneaks off with Camila to share kisses.

Currently they were up at the Astronomy Tower with lips locked together. Camila was on the railing with her legs wrapped around Lauren and hands tangled into green-eyed girl's hair. Lauren hands wrapped securely around Camila's waist and every now and then Lauren would move one hand to caress Camila's back and thigh.

Camila let out a moan when Lauren moved her lips down to her neck kissing, nipping and sucking on the skin. Camila arched her neck giving Lauren more room to continue while her hands grip Lauren's hair a little tighter.

Lauren start placing pecks from Camila neck back up to her cheek before placing Camila on her feet and peck her lips. Lauren stepped back from Camila a little and peck the girl's cheek, forehead, nose then lips.

"So," Lauren started while stepping away from Camila and leaning against the railing beside the girl. "The Winter Ball is coming up. Are you planning on attending?"

The princess sighed and looked over to the girl beside her. "I don't know. I mean Austin asked me to go with him," she saw hurt come across Lauren's face, "but I haven't giving him an answer as yet because I want you to be my date."

Lauren sighed leaning over and gave Camila a peck on the lips. "I want you to go with Austin." She admitted but it burned her heart to say it.

"What?" Camila asked confused. "I would have thought you wanted to go with me?"

"No. I would love for us to go to the Ball together. It's just that the other Balls we went to were as a group. I think since everybody is going with a date, you should too." Lauren explained.

"But-" Camila tried get Lauren to reconsider her answer.

"Please, just go with Austin." Lauren cut Camila off.

"Ok, fine but what about you?" Camila asked pulling Lauren close to rest her head on the girl's shoulder.

"Brad asked me to go with him." Lauren confessed and Camila lifted her head off Lauren shoulder.

"Brad?" Camila said shocked.

"It's not what you think." Lauren jumped in before the Princess jumped to conclusion. "Yes, Brad still plays mean prank sometimes but he isn't that bad anymore and I don't feel anything for him."

"Fine. I'm not ok with you going with Brad but I'm not going to judge him, he is your Housemate so you know him better than I do." Camila said and rest her head back on shoulder.

"Oh Camila." Lauren said getting Camila's attention. "Make sure you save a dance for me."

"I will." Camila said smiling.

Later that night Lauren escorted Camila back to Gryffindor's Tower seeking a small peck before the Painted Lady closed the door. Lauren walked back to Slytherin's Dungeon with a small smile.


On the day of the Ball all the girls were in Camila's room getting ready. Dinah was watching Camila and Lauren's interaction closely because recently she would see them acting closer than before like today. They were stealing glances at each other, Lauren would whispering into Camila's ear causing the young girl to blush and Camila would kiss Lauren cheek for absolutely nothing at all. When it was time to put on their dresses, Camila entered the bathroom to get ready while everyone else got ready the bedroom.

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