Chapter 12: Broken

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After Lauren got home from Camila's, she hadn't heard from her. Lauren had got worried but luckily she had received a letter from Hogwarts saying she has been selected to join the prefect body, they request she come for prefect training and schedule for her duties. Lauren was happy because she was now a prefect but also she knew Camila would be there so she'll figure out why she hadn't heard from her girlfriend.

When she got to Hogwarts she saw Camila in the mid of the students but Camila was distant and refused to make eye contact with Lauren. Lauren notice that Normani was also there so she stuck to her best friend for the day. She told her friend how Camila hadn't spoken a word to her or even looked at her since she got there but Normani has confessed that she has been getting the same reaction from Camila which Lauren found weird.

At the end of the day it was announced who has been appointed Head Boy, Head Girl and their Deputies. Camila was appointed Deputy Head Girl. They stood in front of the other prefects as the professors places the badges on them. Lauren looked at Camila intensely and the Princess finally made eye contact with her. Lauren could tell that the girl was extremely tired and her eyes were red from crying. Lauren saw a single tear escape Camila's eye and she just wanted to grab her girlfriend and whisper sweet nothing to her. Camila broke eye contact and wipe away the tear as it was announced that they were free to go.

Lauren returned home later that night feeling confused and hurt. She felt overwhelmed and felt like crying which she did and ended up crying herself to sleep.

*End of Flashback*

The summer is now over and it's the beginning of a new year at Hogwarts for Camila and the others, who are now into their fifth year but right now they're a new arrivals of first years. Everyone was seated waiting on the first years to come inside and be placed into their Houses so dinner could start.

Lauren was seated at the Slytherin table staring at Camila, who was standing in a corner near the professors, away from everyone else. Lauren stared intensely at her girlfriend but the other girl refuses to meet Lauren's eyes.

"Have she talked to you yet?" Normani asked drawing Lauren's attention from Camila.

"No." Lauren answered sadly.

"Don't worry mate, she will talk to you soon." Brad said patting Lauren's back.

"I guess." Lauren said resting her head on the table.

The doors to the Great Hall opens and everyone turned their attention to the new first years making their way inside. Their faces showed that they were scared, shy and slightly excited. In the middle of a the students Lauren thought she saw a little girl that looks just like Camila but knowing it was impossible she brushed it off.

Professor Dumbledore made his announcement then the placements of the first years began. During the name calling for the placement, a name was called that caused everyone to gasp and whispers filled the Great Hall, even Lauren was shocked.

"Sofia Cabello." Professor McGonagall said again. The girl walked through the crowd and up to the stage then sat on the stool.

Lauren looked over at Camila and saw that her girlfriend was angry. Camila jaw was clenched, fist balled and eyes narrowed at the younger girl sitting on the stool. Professor McGonagall placed the Hat on the girl's head and everyone on went silent.

"Another Cabello!" The Hat said loudly scaring the poor girl. "At lease you're not as hard to read then your older relative." He said and Camila huffed. "And I know exactly where to place you...Gryffindor!"

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