Chapter 3: Quidditch Tryouts

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After what happen at the Duel Club auditions, Camila publicly apologized for her behaviour that she displayed and how disappointed she was in behaving in such a manner. They accepted her apology. The first years were hesitant at first but finally came over and started to associated with the girl like everyone else, seeing that she was as sweet, funny, clumsy and intelligent as everyone said. The only ones didn't talk to Camila at all was Brad and his friends which Camila didn't mind associating with anyways.

Camila was happy that her friends and peers was in a good standing with her. Today Camila was the most happiness for the girl ever. Today is Gryffindor's Quidditch tryouts. Camila was suited and ready. She was going out for the position of Seeker and she pretty sure she'll get the spot after work so hard over the summer.

"Not because you made the team last year doesn't mean you have a spot this year." Drew, Gryffindor's Quidditch captain said. "Now, go out there and do your best." He concluded and sent a wink Camila's way causing the younger girl to giggle.

Camila mounted her broom and flew off watching as the balls were released including the Golden Snitch.

The Quaffle was released and tryouts began.

Camila circled around looking for the Golden Snitch. Her eyes looked to the stands and saw her friends. Lauren, Normani and Dinah Jane all waved to the Princess, when she was waving back the Golden Snitch flew pass her. She took off after it.

She was distracted by the other person trying out for Seeker hitting up into her causing to almost lose her balance off her broom. The crowd grasped when she almost slipped. Camila gained back balance on her broom and flew off, catching up with the other Seeker.

"Go Camz!" Lauren cheered from her sit at the stands.

"Yeah! Go Mila!" Normani added.

"You can do it dawg!" Dinah Jane added.

When Camila caught up with the other Seeker, she bounced him back and flew past him catching up back with the Golden Snitch. It wasn't much as a challenge as she thought seeing that her broom was newer and faster than her opponent's. At the end she catch the Golden Snitch and was appointed as Gryffindor's new Seeker.


After Camila was finished getting dressed in the locker room, she headed out to meet Lauren, Norman and Dinah.

"Hey guys." Camila greeted them.

"You did amazing, Camz." Lauren said hugging the girl tightly.

"Yeah dawg. That broom for yours is wicked fast." Dinah said patting the girls shoulder.

"I swear you were going to fall off your broom though, Mila." Normani said showing her concern for the girl. "You're not hurt, are you?"

"No. I'm fine." Camila said patting where she got hit showing she didn't get hurt.

"Well, you did great." Normani congratulated Camila.

"Thanks. Now come on, I'm starving." Camila said walking off to get some food from the kitchen.

"You're always hungry." Lauren said.

"So true." Camila said giggling.

After Camila finished stuffing face and stomach, they headed up the Gryffindor tower and into the room Camila and Dinah shared.

"Look! I got presents." Camila said running over to her bed.

"Who are they from, Mila?" Normani asked as they walked into the room and pet Lily on the head.

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