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Harry Potter and his friends had been hunting Hocrus and now it was the Battle of Hogwarts. The Princess had gotten word of the war at the school and her, Sofia, Dinah, Troy, Brad, James, Austin, Chris and Taylor had planned to rally up together to apparated to join the fight. However, the Hogwarts Princess had a problem escaping her green-eyed raven. Lauren had tears running down her cheeks as she plead to her wife not to leave.

"You said this wasn't our war anymore." Lauren cried to her wife as she pulled Camila away from the others.

"Lauren, if I can help stop this war and give them help to stop Him then I will." Camila said pulling her arm out of Lauren's grasp.

"You can't just leave your family to go on this crazy mission." The green-eyed woman said glaring at the Princess.

"Why can't you just be as supportive as the others. We can't let innocent children die in a battle there weren't ready for. Plus, Addison is there and I need to make sure she's safe." Camila said stepping away from her wife.

"And what do I tell Hazel and Ethan when their mother doesn't come back?" Lauren asked causing the Princess to stop in her tracks and turn to the green-eyed raven.

"I promise you that I will came home and I'm bring back our friends and family safe and sound." Camila said as she placed both hands on Lauren's cheeks and wiped away the woman's tears.

"You better came back to us." Lauren said before wrapping her arms around the Princess and buried her face into Camila's neck while she cried.

Camila kissed her wife's head and gently rubbed her back. "You have to let me go now."

Eventually Lauren did let Camila go. When the Princess and the others got to the school it was already invaded by Voldemort's army. They fought their way through as much Death Eaters as they could and helped students get to safety. However, they hadn't come across Addison as yet and it worried Camila, so, they decided to split up, Austin went with Chris, James went with Brad, Troy went with Dinah, Taylor went with Sofia and Camila by herself. But the Princess stopped them before they left.

"Please be careful, I can't lose any of you. Get as many students to safety." Camila said and they nodded before running of in separate directions.

Each one had engaged in challenging interactions that night, defeating Death Eaters and helping as many students to safety. Many Death Eater had fled when they saw the Hogwarts Princess but main objective was finding Addison. When she found her goddaughter, the young girl was with a group of students as they are being corned by Death Eaters. The Princess was outraged and disarmed each one before sending them flying through the nearest window. Camila reunited with her goddaughter with a quick hug before getting to safety. Camila and the others fought long and hard, they even came back together to fight as one but not too long after Voldemort had spoken and stopped the Death Eaters. The Death Eaters had retreated out of the castle and Sofia and the others fell to their knees exhausted.

"What do we do now?" Sofia asked wiping the sweat from her forehead and looked up at her cousin.

"We head to the Great Hall with everyone else and rest because it's not over yet." The Princess said helping Sofia to her feet.

They got to their feet and made their way to the Great Hall where Addison had gathered refreshments for them and was provided with medical aid. They waited on what would happen next, however, the Princess knew what Mr Potter needed to do and she watched the boy enter the Forbidden Forest before heading back to her friends.

"Get ready, it won't be long now." Camila said as she took Addison's hand. "You stay be my side and stay alert. Do you understand?" She said to her goddaughter.

The Hogwarts Princess (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now