Chapter 5: First Dates & Confused Feelings

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The Hogwarts Princess and her friends are now into their fourth year at Hogwarts. Camila has been having a great time with her friends. Camila won the House Cup two years in a row and ready to take it back from Slytherin, she joined the Duel Club in her second year and in her third year she spent her Christmas out of Hogwarts with the Jauregui's.

Staying at the Jauregui's was bittersweet. She enjoyed meeting Lauren's little sister Taylor who is a sweetheart and basically fan-girled over her, hanging out with Chris who she was already acquainted with since he was in first year at Hogwarts, Mr Jauregui was a gentleman the time she was there and then there was Mrs Jauregui who insisted on irritating the young girl to no ends.

But since that is in Camila's past, she has now moved on. Now Camila was walking with Dinah to their Quidditch practice when she hear someone yelling her name. She turned around and found Austin a Gryffindor boy running towards her.

"Oh hey Austin, what's up?" She asked greeting him.

"Hey Camila. Hey Dinah." He greeted and waved to Dinah.

"Sup." Dinah answered.

"So Mila, I was wondering if you want to go on a date with me this weekend." Austin asked nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Um...sure." Camila agreed to his request. Hopefully going on a date with Austin will distract her from a certain green-eyed girl that she started to develop feels for.

"Great." He said excitedly. "Meet at the carriages that takes us to Hogsmeade."

"Okay." She replied.

"Okay. See then. Bye." Austin said before running off.

Camila and Dinah began walk to the Quidditch pitch when Dinah couldn't take the silence.

"So you and Austin going on a date, huh?" Dinah turning look at her best friend.

"Yeah, I guess so." Camila answered calmly.

"It's going to be you first date." Dinah said try to make conversation.

"Yeah. It was going to happen sooner or later." Camila said trying to easy the awkwardness in the conversation.

"You know Lauren hates him right?" Dinah said finally.

"Yes, I know. He isn't as bad as Lauren thinks he is, Dinah. I mean, I have spent time with him as friends and he seems fine." Camila said knowing where Dinah is going with this conversation. Dinah is the only one that Camila has talked about her feels towards Lauren. "Dinah face it, I can't just wait around and hope one day Lauren will ask me on a date."

"Have talked to Lauren about you having feeling for her?" Dinah said seriously causing Camila to stop in her tracks.

"Are you crazy? You want me to ruin my friendship with Lauren?" Camila said looking at Dinah like she was crazy.

"You're not sure of what will happen if you tell her but knowing Lauren, she'll never leave you. I mean you two already act like a couple." Dinah said pulling Camila along so that they wouldn't be late for practice.

"What are you talking about? You know Lauren and I are just one of those touchy lovey best friends." Camila defended.

"Expect you love being touchy and lovey with Lauren and she acts like your boyfriend, all protective and shit." Dinah said explaining what she try to say.

"Can we just drop it? I'm going on a date with Austin. Now let's practice." Camila said before mounting her broom.

"Wait!" Dinah yelled and grabbed Camila's hand before she flew off. "Are you going tell Lauren about your date with Austin?"

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