Chapter 33: Happy Birthday

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After the hearing the Hogwarts Princess had resumed her classes; the students were glad to have Camila back with them but there was something off about the Princess. They would see her in the morning with her friends smiling at breakfast, they see her in classes and helping others in the class that needed assistance, they see her sharing kisses with Lauren as usual and they see her at dinner with her housemates but it's what they don't see is the problem with the Princess. Camila was still not sleeping well because of her nightmares, she doesn't let Lauren stay in bed with her at night because of the nightmares or let the green-eyed raven touch her intimately, she doesn't smile genuinely anymore and all she does is study or lock herself up in her room than hanging out with her friends.

However, Lauren, Sofia and the others did notice but they didn't know what to do, so they just let the Princess be at the moment. Lauren had decided she needed to talk to someone about Camila because she can't confront the Princess, so she went to the next person that cares about the Princess just as much as she does...Professor Snape.

"Hello Professor Snape, could I talk to you for a moment?" Lauren asked the Potions professor after his class.

"What is it, Miss Jauregui?" His monotone voice rang out in the empty classroom.

"It's about Camila." She said and now she had his undivided attention. "It's just that I'm worried about her. I understand that what she went through was traumatic and we see the problems but we are scared to confront her. I just don't know what to do, I know she isn't sleeping well because the ghost or pictures sometimes say they see her wondering the halls at night, her smiles are forced, she doesn't spend time with me or the others and I can't get to be close to her to show her much I love her, that I'm here for her when she goes missing and locks us out. We just want to help her but she doesn't let us." She said before plopping down in the seat with a sigh.

"Miss Jauregui, you just need to be patient with her and maybe just talk to her about how you feel, I'm pretty sure Miss Cabello will understand." Professor Snape said sitting with the raven hair girl. "What can I do is talk to Professor Dumbledore to see what we can do to help."

"Okay Professor." Lauren said shaking her head and grabbed her bag before leaving.

The professor realised how uncomfortable the young Jauregui was talking to him about the Princess and he felt bad that he was so insensitive with his approach. He knew how much the Camila meant to her friends and to the young Jauregui, Camila also means a lot to him, the other professors, the whole school and the wizarding world. So, he headed out in order to talk to the Headmaster about helping the Princess.

"Professor Dumbledore?" The professor called out to the Headmaster to get his attention after knocking and entering the older man's office.

"Professor Snape, how can I help you?" The Headmaster asked gesturing for the professor to come in and sit.

"I need you to help Camila. She is going into withdrawal and her friends are really worried." Professor Snape said as he sat down and the Headmaster sighing looking way from the Potions instructor.

The Headmaster had noticed the changes in the Princess's behaviour but he didn't really know what to do other an remove the girl's memory. However, that's if Camila wants to remove the memory or keep it and deal with it on her own but first he needed to talk to Camila, something he didn't know how to do without looking at the Princess and feel guilty.

"I'll talk to her, I have a way to help but she has to agree to it." Dumbledore said to the Severus before the younger man nodded then left the Headmaster's office.


In history of the Hogwarts Princess there was one day in the year that she hated the most and that is her birthday. When Camila was five she told her friends and the professors that she didn't want to celebrate her birthday anymore, she didn't see why she needed to celebrate her birth when she didn't have family to celebrate it with or the woman that gave birth to her, it was too depressing for the Princess to ever deal with. When she became friends with Lauren, Dinah, Normani and Ally, she told them her birth date when they asked but insisted that they never celebrate it and they obeyed the Princess's wishes. Lauren was the only person she had told why she didn't acknowledge the day. However, no-one ever told Sofia why the Princess doesn't celebrate her birthday, so when she informed the others of the party she had planned they all looked at her like she was crazy and they knew they had to keep their promise to the Princess.

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