Chapter 10: Summer! (Before The End)

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Examinations are finally over, students are stress-free and super hyped since Summer vacation is in two weeks. The students are starting to make plans on fun things to do and parties until the school year is over. Like tonight, Gryffindor is having the first House party to start out the end of school bash.

But right now, Camila was making her way her up to Professor Dumbledore's office. He asked that she come to his office as soon as possible. He sounded angry when he approached her and her friends in the Great Hall. So Camila slowly made her way up the stairs and gently knock on the door.

"Come in." She heard Professor Dumbledore's voice. She opened the door and enter but the Headmaster wasn't the only one in his office.

"Good morning." Camila greeted sweetly. "You wanted to see me, Professor Dumbledore."

"Sit." He told her and she did as told.

"Did I do something wrong?" She asked looking around at Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape.

"What happened in the Room of Requirement before exams started?" Dumbledore asked.

"What?" Camila asked shocked. "Who told you?"

"The Minister came back to us after it happened. Camila, why didn't you tell us?" Professor McGonagall asked moving nearer to the girl.

"It was an accident. I didn't mean to lose control but Lauren is fine." Camila said in a panic.

"Losing control of your magic isn't something that you keep to yourself, Camila." Professor Snape said harshly. "You could of hurt her or worst."

"You think I don't know that?!" Camila yelled at the professor. "You think I don't that I could have sent her into the hospital wing or even killed her?! Well, I do know!"

"And you thought keeping what happened to yourself was wise?! We can't help you if you don't talk to us!" Snape yelled back at her.

"I know you can help me but I wasn't ready for your help." Camila said softly.

"What are you trying to say, Camila?" Professor McGonagall asked confused.

"Lauren and I talked about it." Camila started looking at the professors but not daring to look at the Headmaster knowing that the disappointing look on his face would hurt her heart. "Learning how to control my magic is going to take up time and all I want to do is enjoy my summer with me friends before the start of a hectic year ahead of me after the summer. I was going to come to you and talk to you about it after."

"That is not your decision to make when it comes up to dangerous things like this." Professor McGonagall said sternly.

"Also as your guardians, it is our right to discipline you." Professor Dumbledore said shocking Camila.

"Discipline?" Camila asked finally looking at him.

"Yes, Camila, discipline, a form of punishment. You know that not telling us that you were losing control is reckless but breaking school rules by leaving the school grounds without my permission." Professor Dumbledore said sternly. "We let you get away with too many things."

"So what then? What are you going to do?" Camila said with an attitude towards the Headmaster.

"Watch your tone, Camila." Professor McGonagall said. Camila sighed and bowed her head.

"I know we agreed that you be going away for the summer with your friends and I will allow it to stay that way. So enjoy the time you have left." Professor Dumbledore said causing Camila to smile a little but her head was bowed so he couldn't see it. "But when you come back fun time will be over. Do you understand?"

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