Chapter 1: His Eyes

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Zuko's POV

Something strange is going on. I can't sleep, I usually don't get much sleep anyway due to my nightmares, but tonight something feels off. Maybe it's because Sokka and the others left this week? I don't know why I feel this way, but all I know is that something bad is going to happen. I tried to forget about this feeling and just go back to bed but I can't. I opened my eyes to stare up at my ceiling, once again I'm alone. I get to see Aang quite a bit at work due to our plan on creating a metropolis for people of all backgrounds. That has been taking up a huge chunk of my time, however It's only once a month do I get to actually spend time with him and Katara outside of work. Sokka I get to see a bit more, he tries coming up to the Fire Nation twice a month which I deeply appreciate, however other than that I'm all alone working. Suki and the other Kyoshi warriors had to leave the Fire Nation to train the younger female generation on Kyoshi Island, and ever since her break up with Sokka I haven't seen her. Toph is super busy with her metal bending academy so I haven't been talking to her for a while either. Ever since the war ended I've been more alone then I would like. I'm definitely not a people person, but it's still nice to be able to talk to your friends whenever you want like before. Everything has changed. I'm now Fire Lord, I found my mom, I have a new sister, and my friends are all super successful in their careers. So you would think that everything is going amazing, but it's not. The only time I'm actually in a decent mood is when my friends are here and other than that life has been pretty boring. I try closing my eyes again. Okay something is definitely wrong. I sprung out of my bed as fast as I could and started walking around in circles ready for a fight. "Show yourself!" I yelled, no response came. I began searching my room. Maybe I'm just paranoid?  I sighed, and turned back to bed. Then I felt something grab my shoulder.

It turned me around and before I knew it I was being attacked. I quickly blasted a huge ball of fire from my fist and saw a man and a woman standing there. The woman was a fire bender and the man was an earth bender. He was destroying my entire room chunking rocks at me while I was dodging the girl's flames. "Guards help!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I swiftly put the girl off balance shooting fire from my feet. She then tripped and was out cold. However during all of this commotion the man stabbed me right in my abdomen. I gasped for air clutching my side. The man had light brown skin and jet black hair. But what was most striking about him was his eyes, he had light piercing green eyes. As I fell to the ground I saw many guards come flooding into my room, however the man was able to escape by earth bending a hole in the ground. He disappeared leaving me to bleed out. "Call the Watertribe," I managed to whisper before shutting my eyes.

Katara's POV

I got back yesterday from the Fire Nation with Sokka and Aang by my side. It was nice to be home again, however if I'm being completely honest the Southern Watertribe hasn't felt like home since before I met Aang. The Southern Watertribe has completely been transformed and it's barely recognizable anymore. The only comfort I have is being around my friends. Not that change is a bad thing, my entire life is completely different from before however it's still a bit weird to get used to. It was finally nightfall and my race was coming up. Once a month I race Sokka and Aang in penguin sledding. If bending is allowed I would destroy them however it's not so Sokka almost always wins. I skied up to the top of Mt. Iksarvik with my water bending and I found Aang and Sokka already there. The air was cold and crisp, with tiny snowflakes falling from the sky. Regardless of what happens to my tribe, at least some things like nature will always stay the same. "Are you ready to lose again?" Sokka smirked at me and Aang. "I won before Sokka and so has Katara, anything is possible." I smiled at my optimistic boyfriend, he is just so sweet. Sokka rolls his eyes and heads down the mountain. "Hey, that's not fair! You're cheating!" I yelled at my big brother hopping on my penguin hoping to catch up with him. "You snooze, you lose!" He called out. As we are sledding down Sokka is still in the lead and Aang just barely passed me. He then wipes out. "Aang!" I screamed. "I'm okay sweetie!" He then uses his bending and hops on my penguin with me allowing us to gain more momentum. Within the last three seconds we pass Sokka. "Whoohoo!" I jumped up and down. "Hey, that's cheating! I call for a rematch!" Sokka sneered as I blew raspberries laughing at him. "It's called karma Sokka." Aang wheezed. Sokka then threw his boomerang at Aang hitting him in the back of the head and began to laugh. "You want me to glow you up?" Aang jokingly threatened. "You fight me, please. Katara will kill you!" "That's probably true." Aang laughed. "Hey look at that! It's a messenger hawk from the Fire Nation!" I point to the sky. Sokka grabbed the letter, instantly the smile on his face vanished and a single teardrop fell down his cheek while his hands began to tremble. "Sokka what's wrong?" I worriedly asked him. "It's Zuko... Someone tried to kill him last night." Sokka trembled. "What?!" Aang shouted. "He was stabbed...we need to go back to the Fire Nation now... he needs a healer." I felt tears forming in my eyes. Zuko used to be my greatest enemy, but now he is one of my close friends, we can't lose him. "I'll heal him, let's go!" We all quickly ran back to the inner village and packed our bags. Within ten minutes we were on Appa heading to the Fire Nation.

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