Chapter 9: Don't Go

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Zuko's POV

I walked outside to the Royal Garden to meet with my assassins. It was like carrying a rock in my stomach, and I could still feel my body tremble slightly. I couldn't believe that I was going to give myself up in order to save Team Avatar and the rest of my family. If you told me a year ago that I would be willing to give up everything to save the Avatar and his friends I would have thought that you were crazy, let alone if you told me I was dating one of them! And not just anyone in the group, but the weird Watertribe 'peasant' who is a boy! I swear to the spirits I probably would have declared an Agni Kai right then and there. My entire life has been transformed and I now have everything I ever wanted. I'm the Fire Lord, I got my mother back, I have an amazing family, I managed to find really close friends, and I have a lover who I love more than anything. It truly broke my heart saying goodbye to Sokka. I know that he won't remember any of it but I felt like I had too. It was bittersweet, I am glad that I won't be seeing his reaction to me leaving, however I really, really, really wish that I could show him how much he truly means to me. The thought of leaving him behind all alone is horrendous, however despite that I need to remember why I have to go through with their offer. Even though giving myself up means that I will never see Sokka again, it will ensure his safety forever. Sokka and everyone else I care about will be much safer, so despite the fact that I am losing him personally at least the rest of the world won't. At least Sokka will be safe from their grasp and that is more than anything I could ever ask for. Once I reached the garden I took a big deep breath. My assassins are not going to see me fall apart, I am going to sy strong and confident. I will stand with honour and die with honour. I will not give them the satisfaction of seeing me break. They can do whatever they want with me however regardless of what they do, they will not break me. As I walked forwards I saw them both standing at the edge of the garden, in the exact same spot where I kissed Sokka for the first time.

"Told you he would show," The earth bender said to Xuza. "So have you thought about the offer?" She asked coldly. "I did and I agree on one condition." I replied, "For once you don't have the power here Fire Lord, you aren't in a position to bargain with us," She snapped back at me. They were both wearing matching all black outfits with a red flower in the middle of their shirt. They were staring deep into my soul and the look of hatred in their eyes sent shivers down my spine, "Let's hear him out Xuza." "If I agree to give myself up to you guys, you need to promise me that in the future you will not harm my family or anyone in Team Avatar. They can not be a part of any of your deals even if having them terminated would be good for your cause. When my Uncle takes the throne after my death you need to promise me that you will not kill him. I also need you to promise me that you will not kill Sokka after he becomes Chief. I will go with you willingly and I will not fight back if you can ensure their safety forever." "Who says that Iroh will become Fire Lord? The whole point of getting rid of you is to get rid of the monarchy. And your boyfriend will be safe for a while, until he becomes Chief. Once he is Chief then he will be in our way." The man responded, How do they know that Sokka is my boyfriend?  "I will do anything for you guys and your cause if you promise not to hurt him. As Xuza said before, the Southern Watertribe is basically a colony of the North. Hurting the South will not bring any change, attacking the North will. Once you have the North underneath your control, within months the South will fall in line. Hurting Sokka and his father won't help you at all. And if you promise to never hurt Sokka, I will do anything for you. Just please don't hurt him." I said calmly but firmly at the same time. "The Fire Lord would do anything for us if we don't hurt Ambassador Sokka?" Xuza smirked, "Anything. Once I'm gone, promise me that you will ensure his safety forever." They exchange looks and nod. I am flooded with relief, Sokka will be safe. I could feel my eyes tear up as I walked towards them. "You know your Nation will greatly despise you once they find out that you gave up control over the Fire Nation just to save some Watertribe peasant. Not to mention the outrage that will occur once they find out that you are dating, you know that your relationship is greatly frowned upon in more than one way," Xuza teased me. "I don't care, as I said before I will do anything to protect him. However I am also protecting royal blood as well so I'm sure my people will understand." I hope that they will understand, hopefully Uncle can medicate anything issues that will erode from my death. I should have sent a letter asking him to come back to the Fire Nation! How could I be this stupid?!  As they are about to chain me up I see a boomerang fly across my face hitting the earth bender. My heart immediately plummeted into my stomach.

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