Chapter 13: Sunset

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Zuko's POV

"For lunch I asked the chef to make five-flavour soup and for him to prepare smoked arctic hen. I know that you might be missing your home a little so I thought that it might be nice to eat something familiar. Oh and I also got him to make seaweed cookies, Katara mentioned that you love them." I told Sokka as we put our swords away. Sokka's face lit up and a huge grin appeared on his face, "Aw Zuko you are the best! You seriously didn't have to go through all that effort though, but thank you." I smiled and took his hand, "No problem." We began walking away from the main deck towards the dining room. Once we got closer to the dining room Sokka froze, "What's wrong?" I asked, turning around to face him. "Nothing," He lied. I lifted my eyebrow up and he sighed. "It's just going to be super awkward with the rest of the crew there. I just don't want to see them. I know it's stupid and all, but it's just weird you know." I nodded and squeezed his hand, "Don't worry about them, they won't try anything, I promise. I'll be with you the entire time and we can eat at a separate table." Sokka gave a small smile and nodded slightly, "The perks of dating the Fire Lord. Free protection and space." I rolled my eyes and we continued to walk. "Hey what happened to the doors?" Sokka questioned seeing the missing doors and a broken frame, "I needed to talk to the crew this morning and it was urgent." I replied. "What did you do?!" Sokka asked, placing his free hand on his hip. "Nothing I swear, I just needed to talk to them, that's all." "Was it about me? Please say it wasn't," "Yes it was, they can't treat you like that Sokka. I won't stand by and let my crew disrespect you in that way. I am just ensuring that they never treat you in that matter again." "Zuko! What if they all turn on you because of this?" "I don't care, I needed to make sure that they know how incredible you are and that I will not tolerate any disrespect towards you." Sokka sighed. "That was really stupid on your part, I don't need you defending my honour Zuko. However I do appreciate you looking out for me, and if roles were reversed I would have done the same for you. But please talk to me first before going off at your crew," "I will." "Good." Sokka squeezed my hand harder and we walked into the room together hand in hand.

All of the conversations in the dining room came to a halt when Sokka and I entered the room. Everyone's faces shifted and the tension within the room was so strong not even my swords could slice it in half. Sokka and I were glaring at the crew members. They were all trying to avoid our gaze. However beneath Sokka's cold eyes there was a layer of hurt and sadness. I felt sick to my stomach seeing my boyfriend so upset over the people who were supposed to protect us. I honestly don't even understand why they care so much about our relationship. It's not like we are doing their brother or something. I could have never imagined how much backlash being with Sokka would cause, and this is only my crew! How will the rest of the world react to our relationship? I squeezed Sokka's hand harder, lacing our arms together in hopes of calming myself down along with providing Sokka some comfort. "Don't acknowledge them, it's just us right now." Sokka whispered in my ear. I nodded and we continued to walk over to the buffet table. I had to let go of Sokka's hand to grab my plate and I suddenly felt extremely cold. I hate when people touch me, however I think I now hate it more when Sokka isn't. He is the only person who makes me want to have physical contact, the only person I'm truly comfortable around. And once again I still have no idea how anyone could think that together we are a problem. Once we got our food I grabbed onto Sokka's arm and dragged him to our own table away from everyone else. "A little needy," He smirked. "Shut up!" I hissed back, "Good to know that I'm not the only one freaking out over here." When we got to the table we sat across from each other with Sokka's back facing the crew. I could see the crew behind Sokka's shoulder whispering about something while they were staring at us, it was very uncomfortable. "Are you even listening to me?!" Sokka exclaimed, "Sorry what?" I apologized. Sokka just laughed at me and grabbed my hand rubbing his thumb back and forth on top of the table, which made me relax slightly. "I was just talking about how I hunted my first ever arctic hen. I was only eight years old and my dad went off hunting with the men of my tribe and wouldn't let me come. However I didn't listen and secretly followed anyway. I wasn't paying attention where I was going and walked straight into a whole flock. They started attacking me and when my dad heard my manly yells he came to rescue me. But during the fight with the arctic hens, which I was obviously winning, I stepped on one of their necks and killed it!" "You were losing a fight to a bunch of arctic hens?" "I was winning and I managed to kill one!" "But accident after your father heard your screams," "They were manly yells!" Sokka shot back defensively. I looked up to see him pouting and a small smile crept up onto my face while I got lost in his ocean blue eyes. I then let go of my fork to cover his hand and he did the same thing with his free one. Our hands were piled on top of each other and I could feel myself melting within his touch. "I love you," I whispered, "I love you more." "I doubt it," I told him. Sokka then leaned forwards and seductively whispered, "Just wait until we are alone and I'll prove it." "Sokka!" I yelled as I felt my face heat up. He just pulled back a little and grinned with his eyes sparkling. "What do you not want me too?" "No obviously, I mean, uh-" "Zuko I'm just teasing you, gosh you are so easy to fluster! Just wait until we are in-" "Sokka!" I hissed at him. At this point I was sure that my entire body was going to be engulfed by flames while his grin just kept on growing. I was so starstruck by him that I barely even noticed Lee fake gagging behind us. "Is there a problem?" I called out to him and the crew, "Not at all." He sarcastically shot back. My eyes hardened and I was ready to fight him, "Hey Zuko, can you help me with the aqueduct problem within the South Pole? I can't seem to figure it out and we are running out of time. Afterwards I can help you sort out the final details within the Constitution for the United Republic and about your meeting with the Earth King about the rebels." Sokka said, breaking me out of my glare with Lee. "Okay," "Yeah go help your boyfriend!" Lee sneered. "Are you making fun of us!" I yelled getting up from the table walking towards him. Sokka then grabbed my arm and pulled me back, "Not now, please. Let's just go work." He whispered in my ear. I nodded and Sokka grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers. "Not at all," Lee mumbled. Before I could say anything else Sokka dragged me out of the dining room and as much as I wanted to stay and argue with Lee, I knew Sokka wanted to leave so I allowed myself to be dragged out. 

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