Chapter 19: Spilling The Tea

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Sokka's POV

Aang and I finally made it to the busier section of the suburb of Ba Sing Se. It took us ten minutes to reach the city from Lake Lagoi, including the detour to get Aang a very big hat to cover up his tattoos ; which means we only had ten minutes to find the messenger hawk and to write our letters. This way we'll have thirty minutes to try and find as much information on the Red Lotus Society so we are back in time for dinner. Evidently I know that if we are even a minute late my boyfriend is going to lose his mind! "You are being awfully quiet Sokka, what's up?" "Oh um, nothing important. We should keep an eye out for a messenger hawk though." "Is everything alright between you and Zuko?" Aang asked. "Everything's great. Why would you think otherwise?" "Well you guys got into a heated argument right before we left and Zuko looked like he was seconds away from burning down the entire cabin!" He exclaimed. I sighed, "I just couldn't let Zuko know what we are up to. He got so upset over the fact that we are walking in the biggest city in the world, which happens to have few criminals in it. How do you think he would react if we told him that we are planning on tracking them down?" "You know that he is only like this because he loves you, and surely with the recent assassination attempt on your life he is naturally going to be more overprotective. Zuko is probably worrying like crazy right now." Honestly I was surprised how Zuko acted, he got so mad over nothing. I guess it's sweet that he cares so much about me, but with all things being equal he doesn't deserve to act this overprotective after everything he has done. "Believe me I know, and I do feel bad about lying to him, it's just that we need to defeat the Red Lotus Society before we reach the Fire Nation. I also understand why Zuko is upset with us going into the city alone, however he really doesn't have the right to be angry at me for going into public without him. Considering how five nights ago he tried tricking us and gave himself up to be executed." I exclaimed. It looked like Aang was about to say something but I spotted a stall of messenger hawks and ran towards it before Aang could reply. Something just felt off in my stomach when I left the cabin. I love Zuko with all my heart but he shouldn't have gotten so mad over this. But yet again deep down I know that I would have the same reaction if roles were reversed. I hate not being by Zuko's side, and if I knew that he was planning on tracking down the Red Lotus with Aang, well I might just kill him. Great, now you are in an argument with your boyfriend and you are a hypocrite! Great job Sokka!  I shook my head and sighed, bringing my attention back to the present. The stall was much bigger than I expected and all of the messenger hawks had a small Fire Nation insignia imprinted on them. It was nice seeing a red shop in the middle of a garden of green. That Zuko's plan on expanding the Fire Nation in trade, not war, was paying off. "Hello gentlemen, what brings you fellows here today?" The old stall man said. "I would just like to write a letter to my girlfriend and my friend here who is her brother would also like to write a letter to her as well." Aang replied cheerfully. "Very well then, how long will the messages be?" How was I supposed to answer that? I don't even know what I want to say to her! "About one page each." Aang told him. "Okay, that will be five copper pieces." I handed the man our money, grabbed two quills, two pieces of paper, and one messenger hawk. Then Aang and I both walked off to the side to write our letters away from the crowd. "Remember Aang, don't write about what we said in the meeting today. I'm pretty sure that the Red Lotus is intercepting our letters, if not then the Dai Lee is probably behind this." I whispered quietly. Aang nodded and we began to write our letters. Aang was already writing furiously, however I didn't know what to say. I wanted to give Katara an update on how I've been doing so far, however I don't want to worry her too much. With everything that has happened these past couple of days, it felt nearly impossible to even find the words to explain. Eventually after several minutes I finally thought of something decent enough to send.

Dear Katara,

Hey it's me, your brother Sokka. I actually miss you a lot. And before you have my head, I know that it was my choice to separate us (and it was the right decision) but I still wish that you were by my side these past days. I'll go into more detail once I see you again, but the voyage to Ba Sing Se was crazy! Remember the huge serpent from The Serpent's Pass? I killed it practically all by myself!!! I'm not bragging or anything but it was really cool, and kind-of gross. Unfortunately that was the only good part of the voyage, (other than what you can probably guess.) The entire crew was horrendous after finding out about what Zuko and I do in private. They even tried to have me assassinated! And they managed to stab Zuko, it was really scary. But before you freak out everything is fine! The stab wound was very minor and everyone involved was arrested or died during the process. WE ARE FINE THOUGH!!! Please don't worry about us, I just thought that you might want to know. I genuinely hope that the guards accompanying you and Toph were a lot better than ours. Anyways other than that top notch voyage everything is pretty decent at the moment. Zuko and I have gotten very close and I think we have a good chance of defeating the Red Lotus Society. And it's great to see Aang, Appa, Iroh, and Momo again. I finally have someone to appreciate my amazing jokes! Zuko was not having it at all. Also Aang really misses you by the way, a lot actually. I'm really excited to see you and Toph again, you'll have to tell me how Hira'a was and how the rest of Zuko's family is doing. I'm sure that Ursa and Kiyi adore you both. I don't think Ursa dislikes me or anything but I'm positive that she thinks I am super weird or whatever, which I'm not! Also if Toph is nearby tell her that once we get back, I'll need her to help me do something, but make sure that Zuko doesn't see it. Anyways I love you a lot Katara and I can't wait to see both you and Toph again.

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