Chapter 17: Iroh Knows

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Sokka's POV

Zuko knocked on the door of the cabin and immediately Aang jumped straight into his arms. "Zuko! How are you? I was so worried when I left," Aang exclaimed. "I'm alright, thanks to Sokka." Zuko replied, pulling away from Aang. "Uncle!" Zuko said excitedly once he saw Iroh standing behind Aang. "Hello nephew," Iroh smiled. Aang then threw himself into my arms, squeezing the air out of my lungs, "Sokka it's so good to see you again! I missed you so much!" "I've missed you too buddy," I replied. All of a sudden Momo flew into the doorway landing on my shoulder, "I missed you too Momo." Once Momo left my shoulder we all went inside the cabin. It was bigger than I expected with a lot more open space and the lighting wasn't so bad either. Aang led us towards the kitchen where Iroh already had a kettle on the stove. Aang, Zuko, and I sat on one side of the kitchen island while Iroh was on the other side preparing the tea and Momo was just sleeping on the ground. "So what exactly happened at the Jasmine Dragon?" I asked Aang and Iroh. "It was my fault. On the way here I bumped into a girl who looked very similar to Katara, however it wasn't. It was the girl from Omashu who tried to overthrow Bumi. But at the time I couldn't recognize Sekna and told her where I was staying. She then came with the rest of the Red Lotus Society that night and tried to capture Iroh and I. Luckily we were able to make them all retreat. But Iroh decided that it wasn't safe for us to be there so we decided to come out here." "I'm glad everyone is alright. You guys nearly gave Zuko a heart attack when we first arrived at the Jasmine Dragon." I said as I bumped Zuko's shoulder. Zuko bumped back into me so hard that I almost fell off the chair, "What?! It's true!" I exclaimed. "Zuko, there's no need to be embarrassed." Iroh stated, "I think it's really sweet that you were worried." Aang added. "So do I," I teased. Zuko shot me a death stare which made me grin. "Well how was I supposed to react considering the fact that Uncle hasn't replied to any of my letters and when I showed up to his place it was closed!" "What letters Fire Lord Zuko?" Iroh asked, "My letters I sent right after the first assaination attempt. You didn't get them?" "I told you so," I mumbled to Zuko. He gave me another glare. "No I'm afraid not nephew, did it contain anything of importance or secrecy?" "No not really, I was mostly asking for advice as well as some information about the White Lotus Society." "Well that's good but alarming at the same time, I doubt the Dai Lee is behind this though. It must be the Red Lotus, we should ask the King Kuei just in case." Aang suggested, "I have a lot of questions about this Red Lotus Society. Who is Xai Bau and how did he learn to lava bend? Why did he leave the White Lotus and started his assaination gang? And how did he gain so much support from across the globe?" I asked Iroh. "Well Xai Bau was our youngest recruit. Xai Bau is wise beyond his years and is a very level headed man, the grand masters of the White Lotus allowed him to join us. He was very open minded to all cultures and was very keen in learning from others. He was also a very strong bender at a young age, and is a child of mixed heritage. I don't recall him ever using lava bending, it's a rare ancient technique that he must have been studying for some time and must have mastered it recently. Anyways the reason why the White Lotus works so well is because there aren't any divisions between its members. Xai Bau believed that this should be the way of the world. That division between nations only causes harm, however even though this idea is good the chances of it actually working are very slim. Xai Bau and his followers believe that chaos is the natural order of things and a man should be loyal to those he cares about, not loyal to a throne. So when the White Lotus liberated Ba Sing Se and gave it back to the Earth Kingdom Xai Bau wasn't so pleased. He claimed that we should have freed Ba Sing Se completely, not given it back to another monarch. Xai Bau was also not pleased when the White Lotus Society came out of the shadows and started to help some world leaders in certain fields. So after we liberated Ba Sing Se he left the White Lotus Society and eventually started his own organization. Xai Bau is a very connected man and loves to travel, his friends were all from different sections of the world and all had a strong detest for the leaders of their nation. He is also a very patient man, I played Pai Sho with him once and he was always very calculated. He didn't care how long the game took and was more than ready to adapt to any challenges that stood in his way. If he is acting on this plan now, then he must be a lot closer to victory then we think. Xai Bau must know some valuable information that can lead to the downfall of both the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom." Iroh explained. I glanced over at Zuko worriedly, this Xai Bau guy seems to know what he is doing. "Hopefully we can dilute the situation with the Earth King before it gets out of hand," Zuko said. "Also when is our meeting with the Earth King?" I asked, "In five hours." Iroh replied, "Anyways how was your guys' voyage?" Aang asked. I glanced over at Zuko and he gave me a look, silently communicating not to go into detail. "It was very hectic, definitely not peaceful, and the crew was horrendous! I also killed the serpent from The Serpent's Pass." I claimed. "You what?! That's insane Sokka, how did you do it?!" Aang asked shocked. I told him about how the crew cowardly left Zuko, Lieutenant Hinata, and I to face the serpent. I explained our plan and how I jumped onto the serpent's back and killed it. "That must have been terrifying! Your voyage was definitely way cooler than mine, nothing exciting happened while I was traveling. Although I did teach Momo a few tricks! Momo roll over," Momo stayed still and continued to sleep. "I swear that he can, I'll show you guys once he walks up." "I believe you," Zuko said. Iroh handed us a cup of tea. "I am alarmed that the crew left you Fire Lord Zuko to face the serpent. They shouldn't have let you guys deal with that all on your own. Lieutenant Hinata's crew is supposed to be the best in the world, it makes no sense to me why they wouldn't help. Lieutenant Hinata's second in command Hindary would never leave you guys alone up there! He's a good man." My heart sunk deep into my stomach and I gave Zuko an uneasy look, Zuko just looked furious. I knew something bad was going to happen.

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