Chapter 3: Being Fire Lord

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Zuko's POV

"Can everybody stop talking for three seconds please!" I yelled at my generals. The squabbling between the generals died down allowing me time to think. "Thank you. So even though General Huang brings up a good point, the original plan will not be modified." "But Fire Lord-" "That's final!" I ordered them, he nodded and the room was quiet again. I'm so tired of all of these useless arguments with the generals. "Your job is to present the information to me and then I make the final decision, got it?" "Yes Fire Lord Zuko." "Thank you, now General Shi, can you please continue with the updates about the former earth colonies," "Of course, so we have successfully-" "Fire Lord Zuko the female fire bender who attacked you has escaped the prison!" A prison guard interrupts running into my meeting. "Is everyone alright?" I asked concerned, "Many guards are fatally injured and the watertribe boy is unconscious, I barely escaped the scene myself. There was a male earth-" "Sokka!" I yelled dashing out of the room running towards the prison. Please be alright Sokka, please.

I was running as fast as I could. Once I got to the prison I was stepping over many bodies and I could hear many groans of the guards gaining their consciousness back. I ran towards the prison cell and I saw Sokka laying down on the ground curled up in a ball. I move his body upwards placing my hands on his shoulders, shaking him lightly to wake up. "Hey Sokka it's me Zuko, please wake up!" I begged him with tears in my eyes. "Zuko?" He muttered as his eyes began to flicker. I suddenly felt a wave of relief roll over me. "I'm here Sokka, I'm right here." I gently push his fly aways out of his face tucking them behind his ears. "I'm sorry Zuko, I tried stopping them but I couldn't," "It's okay Sokka, I'm just glad that you aren't too injured. Are you hurt?" "A little, I don't think I have any serious injuries. I was just thrown around like a rag doll by an earth bender." An earth bender! "Oh gosh Sokka, did he hurt you?! What happened?!" "He was going to but Xuza the fire bender asked him not to kill me, I don't know why though. I was talking to her trying to get some information but then I heard an explosion and this man with scary green eyes started to attack me." I felt my blood boil. It's one thing to attack me but another thing to attack my best friend. "That's the man who stabbed me." I whispered pulling Sokka into my arms for a quick embrace. I then helped him stand up. He started to wobble a bit so I quickly grabbed onto his body. "Let's get you to Katara, hopefully she'll be able to help." "I'm fine Zuko, I don't need her help." He let go of me and almost fell to the ground before I caught him. "I'm fine Zuko, just sore." I nodded and placed one of my hands around his waist and the other one held Sokka's hand, the one he wrapped around my shoulders. We then started walking out of the prison with me supporting Sokka with every step. "So did you get her to talk?" "A little bit." Sokka told me everything that happened and when he mentioned that Xuza called me his boyfriend my face turned red. "I can't believe that she actually thought that we were dating!" "Me either," I replied. We were both silent for a bit but then he continued and explained everything else. "I think that they are planning on attacking the Earth King Kuei soon, she mentioned something about going after the main world leaders first." Sokka said. "That's not good, but I'm sure that the Earth Kingdom can handle this." "Zuko I'm nervous, I think this issue is a lot bigger than what we expect. This man took down an entire prison ward single handedly. He might be a better earth bender than Toph! Don't tell her I said that." I turned to face Sokka until our eyes met and I smiled a little. "I won't tell her that. However I know what you mean but I won't let him hurt you again, I promise." Sokka nodded and leaned in closer to me, placing his head on my shoulders and I placed mine on top of him. "I know you will, but I also promise to not let them hurt you either." I smiled, pulling his waist closer to mine, holding his body and hand a little tighter. We stayed like this the rest of the way to the Palace.

Katara's POV

Aang is playing with my hair in my room and all of a sudden Zuko comes barging in dragging Sokka. "Oh my spirits what happened?!" I exclaimed looking at my brother. "The fire bender girl Xuza escaped the prison and Sokka was attacked." Zuko said, laying Sokka onto my bed. Sokka explained to Aang and I what happened. I opened my water pouch and began to heal him. When he mentioned what the female fire bender said about my home, I couldn't help feeling belittled. "We aren't a colony of the North yet!" I exclaimed, irritated that this is what the world thinks about my home. "We kind-of are becoming one. Listen, that's a good thing for dad, all we need to worry about at the moment is Zuko's safety." He replied. "And you really think this girl is telling the truth?" Aang asked, "I do. She asked the earth bender to spare my life, and I truly believe that she was telling the truth." Sokka said. I looked down and saw that Zuko was holding Sokka's hand. I was definitely going to have to ask Sokka about what was going on between him and Zuko, even though it's none of my business I still desperately wanted to know. "You're lucky that there is nothing too severe here Sokka. All you are going to have is some bruises." Zuko gave out a small relieved sigh as I put my water away. "Thank you Katara," Sokka said. "Anytime."

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