Chapter 10: The Rescue

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Sokka's POV

I was running as fast as I could with tears in my eyes, Zuko was being tortured because of me. "Sokka slow down!" Toph hissed at me but I didn't care. I need to save Zuko, he needs to be alright. "Sokka!" Katara whispered yelled as Aang grabbed the back of my shirt. "What?!" "We can't blow our cover, you are making everything so obvious." Aang replied, I could feel my blood boil and my body shaking. But as much as I wanted to argue with the rest of Team Avatar they are right. I had to force myself to take one step at a time and it was killing me. "Lord Moody will be fine Sokka," "He better be." We continued walking down towards the lower bunker and I felt like throwing up. Nerves consumed my entire body, how bad are they torturing Zuko? Will it be too serious?  "What's that?" Katara asked in horror, pointing at a small window. There was the earth bender holding a bloody whip standing beside Xuza looking at the ground. The room looked freezing, just like the Coolers at the Boiling Rock but a lot bigger. "That has to be Zuko!" I cried out, but before I could react Toph placed her arm in front of me. "Just wait," She whispered. "We need to save him!" Katara exclaimed. "Not yet, trust me on this. We need to wait until the earth bender leaves, that way escaping with Zuko will be a lot easier, he'll be in our way." Toph explained. "We can't just stand by and watch them hurt him!" I said, raising my voice. "Quiet Snoozles, we don't need the entire embassy thinking that we are impostors right-" "But they are hurting him!" "No buts! If we want to save Zuko we need to wait. Attacking now could cost Zuko his life. Not to mention that the door is platinum. I can't bend Zuko out of there, we need to wait until the door opens. Then we can attack," "We can't just wait Toph," Aang begged. "Just wait a few minutes, trust me." I placed my hand on my forehead and started pacing back on fourth. "It's not like they are whipping Zuko at this exact moment," Toph added. I felt completely helpless, I just wanted Zuko to be safe. I am so angry at him, however I know that I shouldn't be. He is doing this to save us but why couldn't he let us help prevent this from escalating? Why did he block us off? I know why but why?  I was so frustrated, anxious and hurt at the same time. I could barely think or breathe properly. "Fire bend!" The male earth bender yelled. We all turned to face the window and saw a small orange flame. "How is that possible?" I heard Xuza say. "Answer the question!" The male demanded. "Ivealreadytoldyou. Fire bending s'like breathing." A weak exhausted slurred voice replied. Zuko. The man brought his whip up and hit Zuko hard with it. "That's it I'm going in!" I exclaimed. "Sokka don't," Toph said. "Stop! You are going to kill him!" I heard Xuza yell. "No I'm not, he hasn't cried or screamed yet. He can keep going. He's stronger than you think." "It's because he's stubborn. Zuko has already cried all his tears away by saying goodbye to the Watertribe boy. He has nothing else to lose. Just trust me on this." They both hesitated, however I didn't. I grabbed my machete and started pounding on the window, breaking it. I'm here Zuko, I'm here.

I was horrified by what I saw. Zuko was chained up topless with his back full of whip marks and blood. Tears escaped my eyes as I ran towards him. A few guards tried stopping me but I quickly took them all down. The male assassin tried throwing a boulder at me but Toph broke it in the nick of time. Within seconds everyone in Team Avatar was in the freezing cold room fighting. I saw Toph metal bend Zuko's chains off of him to wrap up a few guards while Katara and Aang were destroying all the back up that came flooding into the room. Zuko collapsed onto the ground curling up into a ball. I chunked my boomerang at the guards trying to hold Zuko down. Once they fell I grabbed Zuko and pulled him into my arms. " all need to leave." He whispered so quietly. "We aren't going anywhere Zuko." I told him firmly, "Please, they'll kill you all and my family if you save me. Go!" "I won't let that happen." I picked up Zuko off of the ground holding him tightly inside of my arms. He tried fighting me off but he was way too weak to do so. "I got him, we need to go now!" I screamed. I ran towards Katara dodging many attacks while shielding Zuko's limp body at the same time. She was defeating many people at once and managed to trap Xuza along with her supporters wrists in ice, pinning them to the ground. Once I got to her and the rest of the gang we all started running out of the room. "Don't let them escape!" Xuza screamed. All of the sudden the earth walls began melting down and I honestly never felt more scared in my entire life.

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