Chapter 16: Beside The Lake

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Aang's POV

I finally landed in Ba Sing Se with Appa. It was nine o' clock, a.k.a nine o'candle. I parked Appa and Momo a few blocks away from Iroh's tea shop inside a big barn. The barn was empty except for a bunch of hay stacks which should make Appa very happy. "Okay you two behave, no getting into trouble and stay here. I'll be back soon." Momo then jumped onto my shoulder, "Momo! Stay here so you can keep Appa some company," I laughed at him. Momo instead curled himself around my shoulder, "Fine you can come if that's okay with Appa. Appa can you be alone for the night?" I asked my flying bison, he nodded. "Thanks buddy, we'll be back before you know it." We then left the barn and started to walk down the streets of Ba Sing Se. I am very excited to see Iroh, don't get me wrong I love Appa and Momo, but I do miss talking with humans. As I walked down the street I saw a familiar beautiful girl  who was wearing blue! "Katara!" I called out. What is she doing here?  I thought Katara was in Hira'a with Toph, not that I'm complaining of course. I miss her very much. As I ran after the girl in blue she started to run even faster, "Katara, wait up!" But she didn't. I managed to follow her into the back alley away from the main streets. However once she turned around I was very disappointed. She was beautiful, but she was no Katara. "Oh I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else. Have a good night!" I said. But as I turned around she grabbed me by my wrist. "Oh my goodness are you the Avatar?" She asked, "Here in the flesh!" The girl almost looked horrified but then she smiled. "I thought you were in the Fire Nation protecting the Fire Lord from those assassins?" "I was but there are also attacks here and Zuko and I thought that it would be beneficial to work with the Earth King over this matter. Wait, do I know you?" The girl looked very familiar, I could have sworn that I've seen her before recently but I just couldn't put my finger on it. "No, I've never met you before. Did you say that the Fire Lord is in Ba Sing Se?" "He's not here yet. Him and Sokka are coming soon though," "I see. What about Katara and Toph?" "They are in the Fire Nation, wait how do you know my girlfriend and my friend?" "You guys saved the entire world and ended the 100 year war! Everyone in Ba Sing Se knows about Team Avatar." I blushed, to this day it still feels weird when people talk to me like that. After all, I like to think of myself as a simple monk. "Are you from here?" I asked her, "No I'm from the Northern Watertribe. I'm just here in the city because of work." "I guess that makes two of us," I joked causing her to smile. "Do you have a place to stay Avatar? My brother and our friends just got here a few hours ago and I'm sure that they would all love to meet you. It would be my honour to host you Avatar Aang." The girl said, "Just Aang is fine, and thank you for the offer but I'm all good. I'm already staying at the Jasmine Dragon," "That tea shop owned by the Fire Lord's Uncle?" "Yep, that's the one. What's your name by the way?" "Sekna," The girl replied. "Well it was nice meeting you Sekna, but I could have sworn that I've seen you before. Anyway, have a good night!" "You too, Ava-Aang," I smiled at Sekna and then continued walking towards the Jasmine Dragon.

Zuko's POV

"So are we going to talk about it or not?" Sokka asked quietly, "About what?" I replied with the same volume, moving even closer to him. It was past midnight and neither of us could go to sleep. Every time Sokka would close his eyes he would immediately open up panting like crazy. "What's wrong?" I would ask him, "Hindary." "I'm sorry," Then we would fall quiet. So instead we just spent the last few hours laying in bed talking to one another about other things. Hearing Sokka's voice was so majestic but I knew that our happy conversations were about to come to an end. "About Hindary." He replied. I felt my body freeze up and my throat closed. Sokka moved even closer to me to the point that we were practically nose to nose. "What's there to talk about? He was going to kill you so I killed him first." "Zuko, please just talk to me. This has to be bothering you just as much as me." "You expect me to feel guilty?" I asked harshly, "No of course not! You had every right, and if you didn't stop him I would be dead. It's just that this morning you were so upset about almost burning Dachi, and now not only did you burn someone, but it killed them. I just want to make sure that you are okay." "Well I am." Sokka did not look convinced. I sighed and pressed my forehead into his. "I am, don't worry about me. Are you okay?" Sokka rolled his eyes, "I think we both know the answer to that." We were both silent for a moment and guilt consumed my body, it was eating me from the inside. "I'm sorry that you had to witness that," I finally said. Sokka then snuggled even closer to me and smiled a little. "It's not your fault Zuko. Not all. I know that you had to, it's just the smell of burning flesh is so..." Sokka closed his big blue eyes and his smile left his face. "I know what you mean, when my father burned my face the smell haunted me for days." Sokka opened his eyes again and this time they were full of concern, not fear. "You know that you are nothing like your father, right? You have a good heart Zuko and I know that burning Hindary must have been really hard for you." "It's okay," "I'm so sorry Zuko. Ozai burned you because he is a monster, you burned Hindary because he was a monster. Please don't blame yourself or think that for a moment you are like Ozai because of me. My suffering isn't your fault, I-" Tear began to fall out of Sokka's eyes. I reached over and pulled his body towards mine hugging him with my right arm. "Stop. What happened happened and we can't change that. Just know that I would burn anyone who would ever try to hurt you and I don't regret burning Hindary. I would much rather deal with the consequences of killing Hindary than to lose you." Sokka let out a small laugh, "When did you get so wise?" I rolled my eyes and Sokka smiled even brighter. "Do you think you can sleep now?" I asked him softly, "Maybe. Are you going to be okay?" "I already am." Sokka gave me a puzzled look. "I am. Ozai would never hurt anyone to save a person who he loved because Ozai could never love anyone. I know that I am not him because of you. Because I love you and the things I would do for love, for you, reminds me that I am not becoming him." "Stop it! You are going to make me cry and I've already cried way too much today!" I smiled and felt Sokka's limbs tangle between mine as he pressed himself even harder against my face. Now our noses and foreheads were touching. "I love you," He mumbled, "I know, and I love you too." Sokka then closed his eyes and I knew that he was going to sleep peacefully.

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