Chapter 20: Fly

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Sokka's POV

Aang quickly blasted air towards Xai Bau, countering his earth attack giving us enough time to start running away from the Red Lotus. My heart was beating so fast and all I could think about was not being melted to death, no thank you!   I could sense them hot on our trail. "Don't let them escape!" The Watertribe girl yelled at everyone. I quickly chunked my boomerang, hitting her in the face, she then fell and tripped Lee. Meanwhile Aang was blocking Xai Bau, Sakari, and Xuza's attacks. Despite this embassy being much bigger than the one located in the Fire Nation, there were way less people. "Duck!" I yelled at Aang, throwing my boomerang to stop a rock from crashing into Aang and I. We continued to sprint down the path dodging boulders and huge fire blasts. I then felt some cold water wrap around my ankles pulling me backwards sending me to the ground. "Hold on Sokka!" Aang shouted as he quickly dodged a fireball and a boulder at the same time. He then did an airbending slice sending Xuza to the ground and Sakari flying backwards. "Thanks Aang," I said once I got back to my feet. We continued running down the path trying to get the Red Lotus off of our trail. However it was super hard to continue dodging their attacks once we moved farther along away from the bright green crystals. While running in the dark one of Xai Bau's rocks sliced my arm. I hissed in pain and could feel my blood dripping out, but despite the pain I knew that I couldn't focus on it. Aang and I needed to escape tonight, I will not be used as leverage for them to lure Zuko in. Xuza was shooting so much fire from her fists and it was actually helping quite a bit, giving light to the dark tunnel. We then reached the entrance and I kicked the man on look out, once in the stomach and one in the head. The man fell down and I was able to find the lever to escape while Aang was buying me time against the Red Lotus. The second outside light was visible I grabbed Aang by the sash and sprinted out of the dark embassy. The Red Lotus was still hot on our trail however it was easier to dodge the attacks due to the city's lights and the open space. As we were running Xai Bau bent a huge earth ledge causing me to trip over it, landing straight on my face. Sakari then bent over me and was about to attack, however I was able to kick him in the knee first and Aang pushed him back with air bending. I got back up and began fighting them again. Aang and I were holding our own, however the Red Lotus were slowly closing in on us. I don't think that we are going to win this fight, we need to escape soon. Aang was fighting Xai Bau, Sakari and a few others that I didn't recognize while I was fighting Xuza and Sekna. Sekna was wielding an axe while Xuza was using her fire bending. I ducked Sekna's axe, however Xuza was able to burn my calf. I hissed once I felt the pain shoot up my body. "Help!" I screamed. Aang tried to help but Sakari got in the way, leaving me alone with the two female fighters. "Sokka!" Someone called, I glanced over my shoulder and saw two men on the other side of the alley. "Zuko?" The older man rushed towards Aang while the young good looking guy sprinted towards me. I quickly dropped down low and swept my leg under Xuza making her fall to the ground, using her fall to distract Sekna. While Sekna was moving out of the way to avoid tripping over Xuza I was able to get in close to headbutt her hard in the nose. I then felt a strong hand placed on my shoulder yanking me back. I turned around and saw my Zuko's angry concerned golden eyes. I was so relieved once I realized it was him, yet I also knew that I was in so much trouble. He placed his two hands on either side of my shoulders holding me firmly. "I-I can explain." I stumbled out, "Oh you will after this is over!" I was about to explain myself further but Zuko just shoved me behind him to block Sakari's attack. Where did Sakari come from?!  The two water tribe siblings were now facing us. "I'll take the water bender, you take the girl." I nodded, pulling out my sword to attack Sekna. She was fast and nibble, however she lacked strength and coordination. She was swinging her axe crazily hoping to get an opening to slice me down. But thankfully I was able to throw her off balance, elbowing her in the ribs while I hit the end of my sword hard against her skull, managing to knock her out. I then looked over at Zuko and he was about to beat Sakari, however he was so focused on Sakari he completely lost sight of Xuza. She had a perfect opportunity to kill my Zuko. She was standing off to the left side of Zuko, and since Zuko was occupied using both of his hands to create fire whips to conquer Sakari's water ones, he wouldn't be able to block her attack. My feet then took control over my body and I went charging towards Xuza, running in between her and Zuko. I could see her winding up to take Zuko down, but as she was about to blast Zuko's head off I got in between them and placed my sword deep inside of her stomach. My arms began to shake as my sword locked into place and I felt horrible. Xuza gasped, tilting her head up to look straight into my soul. Her haunting amber eyes sent shivers down my spine. Xuza's dark red lips looked so dry and chapped while her stomach was moist as it oozed out blood. She looked scared and I wanted to cry. I never killed a person like that before, I never killed a person that I knew, I never made a person look this terrified, and I never caused harm to a woman before. I managed to pull my sword out of her body and she went tumbling onto the cold hard ground.

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