Chapter 18: The Meeting

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Aang's POV

The Earth King's meeting room was huge, way bigger than it needed to be for five people. But that was to be expected, upper ring Ba Sing Se was always over the top and way more lavish than it needed to be. The ceiling was high, the highest ceiling I've ever seen! We all took our places at the golden table to discuss the Red Lotus Society problem. "So as you all know the lower rings of Ba Sing Se have been almost impossible to control. My Dai Lee Agents have been attacked, many nobles had their positions stolen as well as a few peasants who were almost able to destroy Ba Sing Se's walls. I fear that these attacks will break the balance within Ba Sing Se that we had for over centuries, and every action I have taken against these rebels has only made the situation worse!" King Kuei exclaimed. "How loyal are your Dai Lee Agents King Kuei?" Sokka asked, "Are you implying that my agents are unfaithful to their King?" "Kind-of. They did turn their backs against the Earth Kingdom and helped the Fire Nation conquer the city during the war, not to mention that they kept the Earth Kingdom monarchy unaware of the war for a hundred years. I'm just stating that the Red Lotus Society works underground and Ba Sing Se has many secret tunnels that lay beneath the city. Which are coincidentally run by the Dai Lee. If we have a shot of beating these criminals we need to know where their bases are. The one in the Fire Nation was probably destroyed after we rescued Fire Lord Zuko, so if we are going to find any more information it is going to be here. And it's essential for us to know if they have any Dai Lee Agents under their control or not. If they don't we can use them to help force the Red Lotus Society out of the city. But if they do, they might have brainwashed a lot of your citizens. I'm just stating that we need to look underground and must keep this situation small before it gets out of hand." Sokka explained. "I don't know Ambassador Sokka, the Red Lotus probably has multiple bases across the world. Finding the bases might not be the most efficient course of action. We should probably take some political action now before trying to track them all down. And I don't believe that they would brainwash anyone. They are all about freedom of choice." Iroh stated, "I agree. I will set a curfew for everyone in the lower ring at 10:00 sharp. This would stop them from meeting up," "Like that's going to work." Zuko scoffed. The Earth King looked extremely annoyed with Zuko at the moment, and Zuko looked equally annoyed back. I don't blame him, I was very upset when that Dai Lee Agent attacked Sokka and if that Agent attacked Katara, well that would have been enough to trigger the Avatar State! "I agree with Fire Lord Zuko, it's not fair to punish everyone for the actions of a few. It might make your lower class civilians even more likely to join the Red Lotus if they don't believe that they are being treated fairly," I reasoned. "So what do you suggest Avatar Aang?" The Earth King asked, "I don't really know. I was hoping that we could find a solution here together." "Ba Sing Se is known for order, without a strict schedule everything will fall apart. If we restrict the public eventually people will get annoyed at the Red Lotus for causing all of these extra precautions." The King clapped back. Zuko just rolled his eyes and groaned, resulting in a glare from both Sokka and Iroh. "You'll just be proving their point as to why the monarchy needs to go! You are stating exactly what we shouldn't do! People deserve to be free, maybe if we relax the laws in our Nations and if you show your people more respect the Red Lotus will lose their supporters!" Zuko said, raising his voice. However before the King or Iroh could speak, Sokka quickly cut them all off. "Well we know that the Red Lotus Society's main objective is to dethrone King Kuei and Fire Lord Zuko. I believe the smartest course of action would be outing Xai Bau, Xuza, and the two Northern Watertribe siblings to the world. Charge them with attempted murder and let the public know if they are associated in any way to the Red Lotus they will face harsh repercussions. This way the people in the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation are free, however if they choose to interact with the Red Lotus we can just lock them up." "I agree with Ambassador Sokka. The Red Lotus just want more freedom, maybe my nephew and Earth King Kuei can give a speech to their people about the importance of their government and how horrible things would occur if it would fall apart. I also think it would be wise for the Avatar to give a speech of the importance of unity and having strength in one Nation. You could also maybe talk about the United Republic of Nations and how even in a combined society needs law and order." Iroh stated. Sokka and Zuko then brought out their scrolls and documents about the Red Lotus Society as well as a map and timeline of where the Red Lotus is from and when they attacked. I am ashamed to say that I did not prepare anything, during the war Sokka was in charge of all of that kind of stuff. Not me. This seemed to be taking forever and almost no one seemed to agree on anything.

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