1) The Official Transport

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I huffed in annoyance as my brother was mocking me for my book collection. He had come in when I was on the phone with my friend talking about The Scorch Trials and started making fun of it. I had to hang up before I completely lost it. That's how we got here.

"You asshole! Do you have any idea what you have done?!"I shrieked.
"It's just a stupid book,"He said, rolling his eyes. I wanted to strangle him as he stood there with an empty cup of water.

"It's not just a stupid book! What if I destroyed your Xbox or something else you loved?"I yelled, trying to get some sense into him.
"That's different. That's actually worth something,"He scoffed.
"Leave before I make you!" I growled. He looked me in the face and laughed.

"Maybe if you left your room this wouldn't happen. Instead, you spend your days locked in here with your dumb bookshelf."

"OUT!"I screamed, pushing him. He stumbled on the carpet as I slammed my door shut.

"Stupid prick,"I muttered, trying to dry the pages. They were ruined with the smeared ink and crinkled up pages. I slammed everything open so he knew I was pissed. I found my blow dryer and prayed it would work. I held my breath in anticipation.

I opened it again after a few minutes to see I was to late. It was destroyed and nothing could bring it back.

Angry tears started pouring as I grieved for my book. To some I was being emotional, but to anyone who's felt a connection with characters you know better. I had grown up with these books. They helped me in my darkest times. I saved up all my chore money for the series, and now one was ruined. It wasn't even about the money. It was about how much it meant to me.

"I wish I didn't have to be here. I just want to be inside the pages of my book,"I mumbled, as more tears fell. I angrily swiped at my face knowing it would leave red marks. I knew what my parents would say. 'He just wanted your attention. It's just a book. You can always get a new one.'

I know he's younger, but that doesn't mean he can get away with everything. My friends a younger sibling, and her parents treat them fairly. Why can't mine? He's in high school now. He should know you can't destroy property. In fact, he should replace it. He's not a baby anymore, and he could find a way to work like I did.

"Such a spoiled brat,"I hissed as I looked at the pages stuck together. I pressed my finger over a page treasuring the feeling of them.

I decided the best I could do was try to keep them separate so I went in my drawer to find a rag. As I blindly reached into it I felt something sharp cut my finger. "Dammit,"I snapped, pulling my finger back to inspect the cut.

I wiped another tear, this time from pain. It was directly on the area below my fingernail and dragged down to the middle of my finger. I was sure there was most likely blood on my face now and went to find something to help. As I bent down to find something to help the blood connected with the page.

I pulled it away to see the word Flat Trans bright red again last the beige pages. It seemed to be glowing. Then, my entire room was the same bright red. After that, it went to neon, then a glowing blue, then pitch black. Then, I awoke to something pulling on me into blindness.

(This is more of an official introduction. I'm sorry it's so short. I go for a thousand words minimum. Also sorry to any younger siblings. I'm sure you're great)

Transport(Aris Jones x reader)Where stories live. Discover now