20) Strangers

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"How is he so heavy? He's built like a toothpick."

"Seriously Frypan? That's what you're thinking about. Not the fact Thomas was just taken by a WICKED Berg, and we found these two passed out on the floor? Any of that ring a bell for ya'?"

I couldn't quite make out anything yet. I know people were speaking, but everything else was a blur. To top it off my head still felt like it was being beaten with a bat.

"You awake girl-shank?"

That was Minho's voice. His voice reminded me of what had just happened. I had just told Aris I loved him. I think I'm going to be sick, and he said it to, and what the hell was in that drink?

"Are you dragging me on my head?"I asked, genuinely not being able to tell.

"Nah. I did have to take you from Jack though. He dropped you like twice."

"Lovely,"I mumbled, wincing at the sound of my own voice.

"Why do these shanks always wake up at the same time?"Frypan asked. I knew what he meant, and I knew what I had to do. This wasn't something I could brush off.

"What happened?"He asked. I guess it hadn't kicked in for him yet. He was in for a hell of a surprise.

"You tell me. You were both lying on the floor holding on each other all couple-like. You even still had bruised lips. It was kind of obvious what-"
"I get it. Just stop talking,"He grumbled.

"How long were we out?"I asked. Everything here made my head throb. I'm never drinking if it's not in a life threatening situation. I guess that's a good lesson.

"You were only out for one chaotic, confusing, terrifying day. Nothing to worry about,"Minho stated, still carrying me.

"Put me down. Drop me on the ground if it pleases you. Just stop carrying me."

"You're welcome girl-shank."

"Set her down Minho. I doubt she's in a very good mood,"Newt pointed out. He rolled his eyes but finally let me use my legs.

"Was that so hard?"I asked.

"I think we should talk about the important thing here,"Newt told us.

"Yeah. These two finally admitted their undying love for each other."

"No Frypan. We need Thomas."

"Then, we find out about their relationship."

"No one's finding out anything. Just tell me what happened to Thomas."

"Look at how much he's trying to ignore it. How cute."

I glanced over at Aris who was looking everywhere else. He seemed like he'd stare straight into the sun if it meant avoiding eye contact with me. He's not going to make this easy, is he?

"We'll give you the short and bitter version. Thomas got shot, WICKED took him, we have no idea where he is, and we're all totally shucked. Did you catch all that?"

"That's just fantastic,"I said under my breath. This was just getting stranger and stranger by that minute. It didn't matter that I knew what was happening. This was just as new for me as it was for them.

"It's sundown. You know what that means,"Jorge told us.

"Why do they always get to not walk? That's not fair,"Shawn complained.

"Because we're always passing out. Why don't you try it?"I deadpanned.

He crossed his arms and huffed. "It's better than walking,"He complained.

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