24) Safe and Tied Up

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The weather was just as harsh as ever. At some point everyone went back to planning for Thomas. I knew since we had five days left we didn't really have to worry about him, but I was. This was no longer a book to me. I truly was trapped here.

"Maybe there's something different about Thomas? Look at all the signs over the stupid city. Maybe he's important to them,"Frankie reasoned.

"It doesn't give us too much hope though. They still have him,"Minho pointed out.

"If they took him surely they'll bring him back. He was shot when they took him so maybe they're fixing him up,"Brenda pretended to suggest.

"You're out of your Crank mind if you think they're going to bring him back all safe and sound,"Shane grumbled.

Suddenly, my hatred for anyone with their memories was back. That meant I was free to hate her, Jorge, and . . . Aris. I do hate Aris still.

I glanced over to see his eyes burning into mine. I whipped my head down and glared at the ground. It obviously didn't give me as much satisfaction as it would if I actually glared at him. For some reason I couldn't muster up enough energy to actually direct my look towards the person who deserved it.

"Uh, what the shuck is that?"Frypan asked, pointing at something outside.

Those of us who weren't facing that direction turned to do so. Right above us was what must be the WICKED Berg. Even if I didn't know everything it was obvious. It was a metallic silver that was almost blinding. Somehow, they had designed it to be eerily quiet. Then, there was the big bold letters going across it. In bright glowing blue they had written WICKED on their Berg. They had pride in what they had made and what they stood for. They are such disgusting pricks.

"Bloody hell,"Newt exclaimed. That was more than fair.

At a painfully slow rate the doors to the Berg dropped. Then, descending from a rope Thomas was being dangled down. It was almost humorous to see.

"Is he alive?"Someone asked.

"No. They just want to give us his dead body. Of course he's alive you idiot!"Minho yelled.

Thomas continued his graceful drop from the air until he was actually on the floor. It was like a middle school play with no budget or rules tried to recreate an angel scene.

Just as quickly as they came they flew off but left him tied up like some cattle in a rodeo. Thomas looked like he was coming down from a high in a coming of age film. I'm sure he felt like it to.

"What was all that about?"

"Are you okay?"

"What'd they do to you?"

"Who was that?"

"Have fun in the Berg?"

"How's your shoulder?"

He either didn't want to or was to out of it to say anything. Instead, he weakly wiggled around in his ropes.

"A little help?"He asked. So he's not totally out of it then. He's definitely confused as hell though. Even I'm kind of puzzled at all this, and I'm probably the last person who should be.

A bunch of the Gladers stepped forward and started helping him get out of the ropes. I stood back with the rest of the group and just watched. They seemed more than capable of untying some twine, and I didn't want to get in the way. I don't think there needs to be a dozen people crowding him.

Thomas stretched and popped his neck. As he stood up I saw he had been given fresh clothes. WICKED did make them white which was kind of stupid in my opinion. We're surrounded by nothing but dirt, rocks, and occasionally a crank. Wouldn't the white make him stand out?

Everyone kept throwing questions at Thomas as he glanced down at his new look. After he seemed to grasp more of what happened his eyes went wide as he asked why we were out in the sun. That's a strange thing to worry about, but most of the guys are still shirtless. If only it were appropriate for me to do the same.

He didn't get a verbal response, but Minho did point at the little shack we built. Thomas glanced at it with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Speaking of which we should probably get back under it,"Minho suggested. I was definitely on board with that. I was already dripping in sweat, and we hadn't even been in the sun for that long.

I ducked my head under the entrance and sat in the far corner. It was still hot in here, but it was definitely better than outside.

One by one everyone stepped in. There wasn't a lot of space so we were squished together. The corner seemed to be the best spot.

Thomas stopped when he was halfway in the doorway and looked back. I couldn't see what he was looking at, and I wasn't going to move to look.

"What are you looking at?"Minho asked for me. Thomas didn't answer as he sat in the middle. Unfortunately, he didn't have to because Aris showed up behind him. I glared at the wall next to him since it was the closest I could get to looking him in the face.

"You gonna sit?"Frypan asked him. I looked around the room, and to my terrible luck the spot next to me seemed to have the most room. He wouldn't actually sit by me though, right? He's dumb, but he's not that dumb.

Apparently he is because instead of shoving himself anywhere else he took a seat by me. Realistically, I know it's the most convenient option. That doesn't mean I have to like it.

I curled up in a ball in order to be as far away from him as possible. It didn't even give me a few centimeters of extra space.

I tried to ignore that and listen to Thomas talk. He told them everything. The part about the experiments, them being subjects, and the other trails. He especially focused on the word variables.

I kept trying to keep focus on what he was saying since it was probably important, but the heat was still unbearable. I reached to tighten my ponytail and made the mistake of touching my neck.

Is it wrong to still care about her?

My breath hitched in my throat, but I tried to regain my composure. The best thing to do was pretend it never happened. Even though I knew that he probably heard my thoughts as well I continued acting natural. He didn't need to know that I had heard that, and he didn't need to know that deep down I couldn't help but hope it was about me.

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