30) Painful Goodbye's

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We had been walking for hours now. The entire time Teresa was trailing in the back with Thomas. Aris was somewhere in the middle, and I was in the very front pretending I didn't feel his eyes on me. I meant every word I told him. Even the part about why we can't be around each other. I have to fall out of love, and I can't do that with him around me. There's no world where we would be able to be together. Then again were we ever even anything like that? At the end of the day a confession isn't a commitment. It's just an explanation for things you're feeling. Thinking there would ever be anything beyond that was stupid.

Still trudging along I put my hand in front of my face as the winds became harsher. Then, the dust seemed to settle to reveal mountains. I guess the final chapter is coming up. Whatever truly happens next is a mystery. WICKED does nothing but lie. There's no guarantee they won't just kill me on the spot.

Pushing my grave thoughts to the back of my mind I worked on getting up the steep ground. The only goal right now was to find the others. At least, that was the most obvious and simple one.

"Hey! Thomas! Girl-shank!"Someone yelled. I looked up to see the group at the top. Relief flooded through my veins as I kept making my way up. By now Thomas had run up to get to them as well. Aris and Teresa seemed more determined to take their time, but I would be to if I were them.

"Come on,"Minho said, grabbing my hand to pull me up while Newt did the same to Thomas. After they did they just stared at us. It was then that I remembered what we looked like.

"Are you okay? What happened?"Minho asked, scanning me for injuries. Well, I guess more than the blood on my head.

"It's a complicated story,"I shrugged.

"You two look like someone beat you with a bat,"Frypan commented.

"They'll be here soon enough,"Thomas mumbled.

As he did the last two made their way up. Everyone turned to look at the two except for Thomas and I.

"You. What did you do to them?"Minho asked, strangely calm.

"We had to, okay? We did what we had to,"Teresa responded.

"We? You're telling me this slinthead was in on it to? Well, I can't say I'm shocked now, can I?"

"There's no time for this right now. Let's just make it to our goal. We have almost no time left,"I reminded him.

"I knew you two were trouble from the start. I should have listened to that gut feeling,"He continued.

"Minho, it was part of WICKED's doing, okay? It's a long, drawn out, complex story so let's just focus for now. Maybe they can explain as we walk, but let's just keep going,"I interrupted, before anything else could blow up. He kept glaring at them for a second longer before walking up to them.

"I've got my eye on both of you,"He scowled, before turning back around.

"They probably know that. Are you alright Tommy?"Newt checked.

"I'm fine."

"Are ya' sure you're all good Y/N?"He asked, turning to me.

"Yeah. Let's just leave now before something else goes wrong,"I sighed.

Honestly, I was just sick of listening of listening to all of this. Plus, I didn't want to be to close to them when they explain themselves. That might just be my final push the over the edge.


Everyone seemed to have mixed reactions to their explanation, but none of them were positive. Some people thought they were still lying, some thought they were throwing a pity party, and a few people just looked at them in distaste and judgement.

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