23) Outbursts

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"Hey girl-shank. Wakey wakey,"Minho said. I didn't even have to see him to know. He was the only one who called me girl-shank, and he woke me up like every time.

"Do you have a special wake up call for everyone?"I grumbled.

"Nah. Just you girl-shank,"He shrugged.

"I'm so honored,"I mumbled.

He just pulled me up without a word. Lately, he had decided I didn't know how to use me legs. Also he was rather strong so he did it with ease every time.

"While you were sleeping we hatched a plan."

"Why'd you let me sleep?"I asked.

"Because I felt like it. Also, you were on who knows what so we kind of just decided to give you both a while,"He explained.

I looked over his shoulder and saw Newt waking up the only other person was still sleeping. It was the person who I wouldn't talk to anyway so it didn't matter.

"We've got a great plan that the cranks over there hate. We need you to tell them how genius it is."

"What is this genius plan?"I asked.

"We are going to do nothing,"He said, smiling happily.

"Right. How did you get to this conclusion?"I asked.

"WICKED took Thomas which means they knew where we were. Therefore, they still know where we are, and they'll bring him back,"He explained, still grinning.

It actually did make a lot of sense. It looks like Minho's more than a pretty face.

"What?"He asked.

"Nothing. It's just a really good idea,"I shrugged.

"Great. Do you know how to build things?"He asked.

I hadn't been awake long enough to question why he asked that so I just nodded. His face lit up.

"That's great. We have almost no Builders."

I realized what he meant and shook my head.

"I build tiny animals sculptures. Don't expect me to build you a five star hotel,"I warned.

"It's still helpful. Did you use wood?"He checked, not caring about the fact that the most complex thing I made was a dove. Even then I had my pocket knife

"Yep. What do you want me to do then?"I asked.

He looked relieved at my willingness to help. How many people had been against this?

"We found random blocks of wood and bricks lying around. We just need to make a hut,"He explained.

How long had everyone been up? Also, why did they think I had to sleep in? I would have helped. I can handle being a little tired.

"Let's get working girl-shank."

"Don't call me that,"I groaned.

"Why girl-shank?"He asked, smirking.

"You know what? You keep on calling me that. I'm just going to start calling you Min-min,"I stated.

"Girl-shank is creative though. I spent two whole minutes on it? You expect me to give it up,"He complained.

"Not at all Min-min,"I shrugged.

"Wow. We're bringing Min-min back?"Newt asked, walking towards us.

I looked over at him while grinning ear to ear. This was amazing news to me. I don't know why I was so glad I knew something that embarrassed him, but the point is it's hilarious.

"That's brilliant. I wish I could shake the hand of the person who came up with that,"I (somewhat) joked.

Newt stepped forward and held his arm out while beaming with pride. I shook his hand.

"Thank you Newt for your glorious mind,"I complimented.

"Any time. I'm glad that somethin' makes you smile. Even if it is just someone wantin' to die in a hole,"He responded, still grinning.

"I feel betrayed girl-shank,"Minho said dramatically.

"Okay Min-min. Let's just get started."


The sun was completely brutal, and we still had a long way to go. It wasn't fair that I was a girl because basically all the guys had their shirts off. I never realized how much I took for granted being able to take off my bra after a long day.

"They're so lucky,"Brenda said from next to me. I only nodded my head in a acknowledgement. I wanted nothing to do with anyone working with WICKED. For some reason she had been trying to strike up a conversation. Maybe it was because I was the only girl or maybe WICKED was forcing her. I didn't care.

"Did I do something to you? You've just been all comfy with everyone except me."

I resisted the urge to laugh. She thought I was friendly with everyone here from the beginning? All I did was agree to a friendship with Minho and possibly became close to being Newt's friend. In what universe did that mean I was a bubbly sunshine character?

"Trust me. I'm not comfy with anyone here,"I said, rolling my eyes.

"Really? You were chatting up quite a storm, and you keep making at eyes at that one kid. I think his name is Aris."

I stood up and turned to glare at her. She looked confused which only pissed me off more.

"Listen here Brenda. I don't make eyes at anyone, and I definitely don't make eyes at that snobby, arrogant, two-faced, no good, little prick,"I spat, almost screaming in her face.

She stepped back looking shocked at my outburst. I was shaking and breathing heavily from the amount of venom I put in my words. I took a second to clench and unclench my first. Even I was a little bit surprised at the amount of rage I just had.

"Sorry. Just go back to your work, and I'll do mine."

"What was so bad about what I said? What exactly did he do?"She asked.

"Don't worry about it,"I mumbled.

"I thought you two were a couple."

"I thought I told you to mind your own business,"I snapped.

"Yeah. Catfight,"Shane whooped.
"Shut up Shane. Just go say you're sad you don't know how to act around girls, and move on with your life."

A few guys laughed at him, and his face was bright red. I tried to ignore my own shame. Had I seriously let some stupid guy affect my mood that much?

I had to remind myself that he was just a liar. He had lied straight to my face about everything. Even before the drinks there was supposedly something the night before. I had thought so at least. He had also told me I couldn't be too hard to love before that. If we go even further back he lied about having his memories.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you. I'm just not a fan of him,"I murmered.

"I can see. Are you becoming a Crank?"She asked.

Time seemed to freeze as I remembered what had once been my biggest worry. I very well might be losing my mind.

"You don't know, do you?"She asked.
I wasn't able to say anything so I didn't. Instead, I stayed focused on the task at hand. I didn't want to truly know yet. It could be my answer to if I was able to leave.

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