25) Always Watching

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Everyone was growing scared we wouldn't make it the 'Safe Zone' even though no one said it aloud. The disappointment they were about to have to face was devastating to think about. Newt would eventually make his last snide comment. Most people here would utter their last words before dying one way or another. For just a second I wanted to tell Aris what to expect. Then, my common sense kicked in.

Halfway through the day we had come across some lovely mountains. I knew exactly what that meant. Soon we would come face to face with Teresa. How suspicious would it be if I gave her one punch in the face? Probably too much to avoid questions.

"I hope they have food there,"Jack commented.

"You're always thinking of food. Can't you think of something else?"Frankie groaned. I was with him there. Just the thought of having food made my stomach ache.

"I hope they have water there."

"Just go back to thinking about food,"Frankie sighed.

Someone was going to make a counter argument when Thomas frantically shushed us. Confused we all looked to see why only to get our answer. Standing right in front of us was Teresa and behind her was a group of girls. They must be Maze B.

"Teresa?"Thomas asked, almost running now. A few people were standing around because they didn't know what to do while others were running after him. Deciding that staying back here was pointless I ran.

As we came closer Thomas's face changed into worry. It could have been confusion. This girl was definitely Teresa.

"Is it really you? Where have you been?"He asked, coming closer. She stood there expressionless. What a grand actress. She can be the runner up to another traitor.

Maybe it was anger, curiosity, stupidity, or all of the above, but I found myself walking with Thomas. It was like my legs had a mind of their own. I needed to see what the girl who destroyed everything looked like.

"Tom,"She spoke firmly. As he went to go up to her I pulled him back.
"No. Don't. There's something off,"I said, not wanting to give my side away.
"Who are you?"She asked.
"Nobody important."
"I can tell."

I stared blankly at her. Did she just say that to me? Did she want me to kill her because knife or no knife I will find a way.

"Jeez. This is your lover? She's hostile, and not in a good way,"Jorge remarked. She scowled at him.

"I can show you hostile. The girl needs to come with him."

As a Maze B girl stepped forward I knew what they meant. They were going to kidnap me with Thomas. If this is an act why the hell would I be involved? They didn't even know me.

Before anyone has time to react I had a bag slipped over my body. It happened so quickly I didn't even notice the sack was in their hands. Knowing that protesting was useless I recognized that I would have to use wits to get out of this. They say you're not supposed to let your kidnappers take you to a second location, but it's a bit late for that. The second best thing is to try to memorize the route.

"What the hell is happening?! Let Thomas and girl-shank go!"Minho demanded. It's a bit strange to use a nickname like that when I'm being kidnapped, but it is the only thing he's called me. How long until he called me that again? I know nothing about these girls side that could help me. They could very well kill me if they got the chance.

"Stop. If you come any closer Thomas and your little girl-shank are going to have a great sleep,"Teresa threatened. How far would she take this?

"No. We're not leaving,"Minho protested. The second those words left his mouth I felt a kick to my ribs. Groaning in pain I clutched them as best I could in the bag.
"I'm not playing. Turn around, and count to a thousand. Do you hear me?!"She yelled, sounding like she was genuinely losing her temper.

"Don't worry! We'll find you guys! We'll be there before you know it!"Minho yelled. Barely a second after he said that I felt a harsher hit to my side. Dark purple and yellow bruises were going to appear on my skin at any moment now. I couldn't help it as tears sprang to my eyes. Only a little bit of the reason was the actual pain. Most of it was the pure terror running through my veins.

I felt like there was ringing in my ears as I tried to curl myself in a protective ball. It was almost impossible to do so. For the entire trip I would have to be dragged against rocks as sharp as daggers. Nothing I did would offer any help from them.

I heard the others start counting out loud, but they hadn't started dragging us yet. I wasn't eager for my skin to be cut up, but I was desperate to get it over with.

I'll come back Y/N. I'll always come back.

For a second I thought I was hearing things, but no. He really had a lot of nerve to sit there and claim anything like that.

You have a funny way of showing it.

I'll rescue you. Whatever I do next I'm sorry, but I swear I'll get you out.

At this my heart started pounding loud enough to be heard in my ears.

What do you mean whatever you do next? What are you going to do?

Just know I'm coming back for you. You can trust me.

Answer the question. What are you sorry for?

I'll come back for you Y/N.

I could have sworn all the air from the world was gone. I just needed to know what was happening to me. Was I going to be right next to Thomas during the betrayal?

You've said that already. That's not what I need. Aris, what are you sorry for?

Trust me Y/N. I can't tell you yet, but trust me. Don't fight it.

Fight it? Aris, what the hell are you going to do to me?

He didn't say anything this time striking even more panic into me. It was something I would have called impossible less than a second earlier, but all of this was impossible. It has been from the beginning, but for some reason this was nearing the top of the list.

What are you going to do to me Aris?!

Remember three words. WICKED is-

Don't you dare say that WICKED is good!

Watching. WICKED is watching.

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