9) Difficult

323 12 3

Aris P.O.V

"I think we're all out,"Shawn panted.
I didn't respond, too tired to say anything.

"Where's the brains of the group?"Jorge asked. This put me back on high alert. I looked around the group. Sure enough Y/N wasn't here.

"Shuck. I don't think she got out,"Shawn mumbled.

"Then, we go get her slinthead,"Minho snapped.

"Woah, woah. We don't know where she is in there,"Jorge pointed out. He didn't have to be right. We could get her out. We needed to get her out.


No response came. She couldn't be dead, right? She's done to much to just die now.

"We have to find her now,"I spoke up, on my way back in. She's not petty enough to risk her life because she hates someone.

I blocked everyone out praying for some kind of answer.

Near the entrance? I think?

"What are you doing? Someone unblock the entrance!"I demanded, working on moving the excess rubble out of the way.

"On it. Hurry up shanks!"Minho shouted.

"Just a few more. Come on,"Newt said, tossing one more. Finally, we had a way in.

"Entrance! She's gotta be close,"I yelled. She has to be alive. She's the toughest one here. I just have to find her.

I was about to call out to her again when a terrifying scream echoed through the air. She couldn't have been more than a few feet away now. We were close.

We all heard another cry of agony, this time closer. Through the dust I spotted a pile of cranks on top of one person. Without thinking I picked up the nearest object and threw it directly behind them. It was enough time for them to be curious for me to charge.

Her eyelids were drooping. Blood was seeping though her jeans. She'd been stabbed. We had to get her out carefully.

I pulled her up by her shoulders dragging her out. Minho joined me followed by one other person. I didn't stop to see who.

She groaned moving her head to the side, close to losing consciousness. Either the pain or blood loss was knocking her out.

You're going to be okay. You're almost out.

Funny. Voice. Kind of nice.

The amount of relief that she was responding in some way was indescribable. She could be calling me every name in the book, and I'd just be glad she was alive.

Another audible and strangled sound of pain left her throat. We were almost out. She just had to hang on a little longer.

"Come on shank! Don't die on us now!"Minho screamed. I wanted to hit him for that. She wouldn't die. She was practically invincible. She had to be okay.

Frankie lifted her legs. By now you could see where the knife had stabbed her thigh.

We'll find a way to stitch you up, okay? Just a little longer.

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